This summer I went camping. We went to four places on our trip: Bryce Canyon, Zion National Park, Sedona, and Joshua Tree. One of my favorite places we went to was Zion National Park because went on a hike where we rappelled. Rappelling is when you’re harnessed to the top of a cliff and you slowly walk down it on a rope until you get to the bottom. We also did a lot of climbing on the hike. At the campsite there was a mini golf place so we went there twice.
Another of my favorite places was Joshua Tree because there was a stream with rocks, and we climbed on them. I went with my mom, my dad, my brother, and some of our friends. We had an RV, so we slept in that for one night, but all the other nights we slept in tents.
In Bryce Canyon there were many different hiking trails. On some of them there were benchmarks. The benchmarks looked like plaques. If you took pictures with three of them, and went to the gift shop, you would get a prize. We spent a long time getting three benchmarks and when we finally went to the shop, they gave us a sticker.
One of the places we got a benchmark was called Mossy Cave. First we hiked to a bridge running over a river. Luckily the river was very shallow, if you put your foot in it would got up to your ankle. The river had lots of rocks and crevices that a foot could fit on, so we walked along them. we followed the river until we got to two signs, one pointing right that said waterfall, and one pointing left that said Mossy Cave. To the right of the two signs, the river continued, we decided to go to the waterfall first, then Mossy Cave. When we walked to the waterfall we only saw the back of the waterfall, and we wanted to see the front. We had to walk back to where the two signs were, and we went to the right where the river continued. we followed the river again and it led to the front of the waterfall. We wanted to go behind the waterfall, but the parents said it would be too slippery. The camping trip was super fun because of all the hiking and repelling. I want to go again and visit more national parks.