Personal Narrative
When I first got my cat she got scared and mostly hid from us. She hid behind my brothers bed. We got a cardboard cat scratcher. One time my sitter came over to my house. We went to my room where the cat scratcher was. He thought the cat scratcher was stable to sit on so he sat on it and it broke in half. After that we did not get another cardboard cat scratcher at the pet store. My cat is pretty friendly now. At night she is really energetic and wants to play with us, but in the day she is really lazy and lies around on the carpet. When lots of people come over she hides under my parents bed. Sometimes when we go away, our neighbor takes care of her and gets her toys. Now Tsuki is really friendly with us.
This is how we got her… Once I was with my friend at the park and mom came to pick me up. She said she had a surprise for me. We walked from the park to near my house, she said we were really close to the suprise. I kept on walking until I saw a truck. It was an animal adoption truck! She said we might be able to get a pet. I felt myself filling up with excitement. I saw my dad and my brother next to the truck. We went inside the adoption truck, it was filled with cats and dogs. We looked around for a while until we finally decided to get a black cat we saw. We went to the pet store to get cat food and supplies. We went to sign the form and the person told us that she was found on the beach after hurricane Sandy. We brought her home and gave her food. At first she got scared so she mostly hid from us. We named her Tsuki which means moon in Japanese. At first when we got her she was really small but now she is really big. She is three years old now.
I chose this because I worked really hard on it and revised it a lot. A challenge for me was adding on to the sentence that we had to choose, we were supposed to choose a sentence that we had to add on to. I had to work hard on adding lots of details. For my personal narrative I had to work on perseverance.