Cartographer Guild

During the pageant, there were many people who were coming to my cartography shop. Sometimes there were multiple people in my shop and at others there was nobody. When there was 4 or 5 people listening to my monologue, I would sometimes forget what to say and then I would have to repeat myself until i remembered. There was one time when an audience member pushed me to a part of my monologue so, I skipped a big part of my monologue to answer his question. One painful part of that night is when I had to play drums for the band. I had to hit the drums for 5 minutes in a row and my hands turned red and, hurt a lot.

Muscular system artistic overview

In science Max, Harrison and I are studying the muscular system, and the three types of muscles (cardiac, smooth and skeletal). Some fun things about the muscular are, one: the walls of the digestive track are actually muscles. Two: cardiac muscles are involuntary meaning you can’t control them but they are striated just like voluntary muscles which you can move.

Music video #2

http://<iframe src=”″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href=”″>group4</a> from <a href=””>LREI</a> on <a href=””>Vimeo</a>.</p>

Music video #1

http://<iframe src=”″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href=”″>Group6</a> from <a href=””>LREI</a> on <a href=””>Vimeo</a>.</p>

Cellular Respiration Lab

Very recently in science we did a cellular respiration lab. Each and every one of us in the grade got to choose what they are testing. Ana, Jade and my projects were basically the same so we paired up. We tested how running up the stairs versus taking the elevator affects your hart rate. We figured out that running up the stairs doubled Ana, Jade and my heart rates.

This is the graph we made.

Intramural Basketball

The 2017 Intramural Basketball season has started. There are five teams competing for the ‘gold’. Those teams are Maroon (the team I am on), Green, Blue, Brown and, Black.  So far the Green team is in 1st place (4-0 undefeated so far). Maroon, Brown, and Blue are in a three way tie (2-2). Last but not least, oops I meant last and least is the black team that are 0-4.

This is a photo of me either defending a shot or, me shooting the ball.

Math coordinate graph

Recently in math class, I played connect the dots in math class. The fun part was that we got to find the dots on the coordinates listed at the bottom of the page. I posted this on my blog because the directions  were clear and it’s a fun way of learning coordinate graphs.

Art Picture

I chose this photo because I normally think that my faces are not so good. I chose this photo because I am proud of it.

Photosynthesis Lab

Flag map



This is my map that I colored in, in humanities class. I am proud of this piece because I love flags and I think shading in countries with their flag is really cool.

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