2017-2018 Learning Values

This year I am focusing on discussion and listening. The reason I chose this is because I think it is important that I participate as much as I can in class so I can learn as much as possible.  In math, I am participating well and I think it is paying off because I am learning a lot. I am In humanities, I need to participate a little more so I will understand matters better. I can raise my hand or contribute in another form. In science, I try to increase my participation since the beginning of the year so I remember all the vocab.

So far I think that I am doing well on my goal. Nothing really changed that much, but I feel I have been doing a lot better in science and Mandarin. I feel I know a lot more about the topic and that I am more prepared for future tests. In math, I think it is the same as before and I am still learning about the topic. In humanities, I think I that I am doing a lot better because I am participating more than I used to.

I drawing

This is a eye drawing. We are working on value and shading. I am not done yet. I will finish shading in the skin and shadows. Then I will darken the eye and add eyelashes. So far I think it is on the right track, but I think I should darken the inside of the eye more.


The red dots are where the two cat cafes are in lower manhattan. (one of them closed) The background is in a park in Inwood uptown.



Idea: I will draw a cat and put all locations of cat cafes on it.

Draw sketch of idea: 

What will you need: I need a computer with photo shop.

How many classes: 4-5

Represent YOUR experience of NYC: I went to cat cafes in nyc. I like lots of nature.

How will you like it displayed: On a wall.

What is it you hope people will take away from your piece: “I am a cat lover and I like cats.”-youtube

Whats something you hope to learn from making this piece: I want to get better at using Photo Shop.

death of a young man

How to MURDER young men in the desert.

Step one, go with a group, not just individually.

Step two, use a car(s).

Step three, listen to this:

It’s to dark, I think. They will be able to see us no doubt, but we have our jeeps so they can’t run. Suddenly I hear shouts. Two people fighting. We see some people leave with camels out into the desert, but straight a head we see a young man who must be around 18 or so. He holds a gun. After three or so seconds he fires. I am to drunk to fire back, so one of my men does it for me. Next thing I know blood is everywhere. Two men come and put up the now dead young man and put him in the house, but we need to leave. We can’t get caught with this much evidence.

Good Luck and Bad Luck

Want a new way to get money in the desert? Listen to this:

This road is to bumpy, I think. It will be hard to shoot if necessary. I feel my luck today is way too low. I haven’t even seen Hamir or Murad the two farm boys yet. They should be out by now. And I see them, but that’s not them. Those two are girls, what luck I have today. I tell my men to get out of the Car and walk up the stream. The first girl starts heading back to the house, we will need to be quick to get her, but the second girl is beautiful, we should use her instead. My gang hasn’t seen her yet, until one says,

“That one!” pointing to the older more beautiful girl.

“Yes,” I say. “The one who bags the most quails gets that one.” My gang laughs. We will use her for bribing the land. Everyone will want it, but we will need to pay her a higher price.

highlights from Spring Break

Something that was important that I did This spring break was protesting in the Healthcare march. This is important to me because I believe that Healthcare is one of the most important things besides global warming, so I wore a bright pink pinny that said “Vaccines Are SAFE And Help Save Lives.” On the back it said, “Every 20 seconds a child dies from a disease that could be prevented by a Vaccine.” There was supposed to be 1,000+ people marching, but there was only about 300. We were a bit late so we just went straight to central park, where the march was supposed to stop, there it was more like a rally. The march started at Trump Tower, and ended at Central Park. I was there for only about 45 minutes to 1 hour. It was just my mom and I, because everyone ether just woke up or to tired to go, and my dad had to stay with my sisters. It started at about 11:30, it ended at around 1:00.

Ocean Reserve Twice the Size of Texas-August 26/2016

NGK post

In 2006 President George W. Bush made this, but it only covered 140,000 square miles of ocean around the uninhabited northwestern islands of Hawaii. Now in August 2016, President Obama quadrupled the size of a national marine monument 583,000 square miles by northwestern Hawaii.

A top House Republican urged President-elect Donald Trump to rescind the Obama administration’s decisions to put millions of acres of land and ocean under stricter federal control by turning them into National Monuments. This is concerning, because if Trump says he will rescind the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument, and all the others then there will not be as free/wild. People will just build a mansion or something and boom, there goes the wild nature.
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