Eye Drawing

The eye project has been really fun and unique this year. First what we did was we made the basic outside shape of the eye. Then we made the shape of the pupil and shaded it so so that it looked just like the picture. This is a past version of what I have done…


Strange Times   It was a bright friget day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. The wind howled as it swished by, probably desperate to get to a better place. The sun scorched the ground, sucking the life from beneath my feet. blazing and frigid at the same time, this world makes no…

Shabanu Blog Posts

How to deal with your parents  Hello there, my name is Shabanu and i’m going to teach you how to deal with your parents. Parents can be really annoying sometimes and you can’t do anything about it. Lucky for you i’m here to straighten them out. Sometimes you will have to deal with them trying…

Guild Night

Guild night with the Arms and Armor guild was really fun but nervous at the same time. It is really hard to talk about a subject in front of a group of people without getting nervous or messing up. After a few times of practice I got the hang of it. Something that happened that…


In P.E. we have been playing football. At first we practiced how to throw a football and how to tell your receiver the play you want them to run. Next we added some defenders in to try to stop the play. soon we will play a game that includes every thing we learned in our…


In science we have been making a water log and a diorama of NYC’s water system. The water log is showing all the water we used in a week. We had a total of water for every day, we had a average amount of water used per day, and we also had the total of…

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