Shabanu Blog Posts

How to deal with your parents 

Hello there, my name is Shabanu and i’m going to teach you how to deal with your parents. Parents can be really annoying sometimes and you can’t do anything about it. Lucky for you i’m here to straighten them out. Sometimes you will have to deal with them trying to sell important things that you love. To solve this, simply make them promise beforehand so that they are less likely to sell it. If they do it any way you can scream things like “you’re a liar, an evil liar!”. You might be saying that on the outside but in the inside you know this is great. Why you may ask, because now they are going to try to make you feel better by buying you things like puppies and jewelry Now if you just continue this process you will be set for life.

How to take care of a camel

Hello there, my name is Shabanu and i’m here to teach you about how to take care of camels. First things we might need to know how help a camel with birth. If this ever happens first you need to try to push the baby out from the outside stomach. Then grab what you can and pull with all your strength. Now that we have a nice newborn camel we need to know what they want. They will mostly eat what they can get but for a treat you can give them some brown sugar, they love that. They normally don’t drink too much but when they do make sure to have plenty of water (rain always helps). Besides that there is not much else that you need to worry about.

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