Artist Statement for Portraits

My piece of art is called Boxed Art. I created this work of art by first making boxes on 4 piece of 4 1/2 by 6 inch size paper. Then I copied pictures of myself from a picture using the lines to make the drawing more exact. Then I kept one picture as a drawing and with the other three I colored them in with different materials using the methods I learned in class. After that I glued the pictures on a sheet of paper. When I was making these pieces of work I learned that there are so many different ways to use every type of material which makes for infinite different ways to make so many different pieces of art. My favorite part was using the chalk pastel because the smudging ability can make two colors that look the same look totally different. If I could change something I would change that I used foam plate printing instead of color pencil because I made the color pencil first before I knew about foam plate printing, but the color pencil was still fun. While I was using the ink and brush I was surprised by how much the color could change from pitch black to an almost white color. I liked making the backgrounds with the colored pencils because I could use all the different shades of color to make it look really cool.

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