Photo Shop Project

My piece “tHe PhOtOsHoP pRoJeCt” is a political statement on cyber bullying. I really put emphasis by contrasting the old ladies to three different colors to display that we all show our true colors on the anonymous platform of the internet. The water is a symbol for the internet community and how its sucking in our personalities and giving us nothing back. Thats why there is no reflection in the water because the reflection is the personalities that are invisible. I purposely made the old ladies old ladies to show a kind of pattern that we are all the same flesh and blood, but the contrast was done to say our true colors are different. I chose to make Lil Uzi Vert in the sky shining on all the old ladies and the water to show that Lil Uzi Vert (a symbol of Peace) was there posing a helping hand. I chose the old ladies to be doing a different action each to display every kind of internet platform.


Crucible/Mcarthy/Modern Day Essay

Name:Zach Humanities
7th Grade Comparative Essay

Outline for Crucible/McCarthy Comparative Essay

Theme: Marginalization

Paragraph #1: Introductory Paragraph (GIT)

Grabber Statement (G): Imagine this: you ran away from a cruel environment. You now longer want your family to live in your country. You arrived illegally America, and you have to live in the margin of society. Your family lives in constant fear of being deported. People like this are marginalized in our society.

Introduction of Theme (I): Today, the Salem witch trials and the Red Scare, in all of these events people have had to live in the margins of society.

Thesis Statement (T): People in minorities are marginalized and have been marginalized throughout all of history because the greed of the majority overpowers the suffering of the minority.


Paragraph #2: Crucible Thematic Connection

Topic Sentence (T): Characters in the Crucible marginalize other people for their own gain.

Explanatory Sentence (E): This is shown best in this in The Crucible when the girls try to scapegoat the poor for their own sins.

Evidence (E): “As she is speaking, Betty is rising from the bed, a fever in her eyes, and picks up the chant.
BETTY, staring too: I saw George Jacobs with the Devil! I saw Goody Howe with the Devil!
PARRIS: She speaks! He rushes to embrace Betty. She speaks!
HALE: Glory to God! It is broken, they are free!
BETTY, calling out hysterically and with great relief: I saw Martha Bellows with the Devil!
ABIGAIL: I saw Goody Sibber with the Devil! It is rising to a great glee.
PUTNAM: The marshal, I’ll call the marshal!
Parris is shouting a prayer of thanksgiving.
BETTY: I saw Alice Barrow with the Devil,”(The Crucible, Act One)

Analysis (A): In this exchange between the girls they black list and marginalize the people of low class in the Crucible community. That means they either have a well known sin or they are very poor. This makes it easy for the girls to target them because the low class are easy to target. This people are marginalized and persecuted because of their social standing

Concluding/ Transition (C): False accusations was how people were able to survive in the crucible.


Paragraph #3: McCarthy/Red Scare Thematic Connection

Topic Sentence (T): The Red Scare marginalized all suspected communist. They were scapegoated and thought to be the enemy.

Explanatory Sentence (E): Certain members of the government took advantage of this fear and gave themselves a higher ranking in the process.

Analysis (A): Joseph McCarthy a U.S Senator, made random and false accusations in a search for attention and power. Much like McCarthy, J. Edgar Hoover, the head of the General Intelligence Division at the Justice Department, generalized and falsely accused Russian immigrants. Both Hoover and McCarthy, persecuted and marginalize communist to make capitalism seem more practical. The U.S government hated communism. The thought that everyone could have an equal amount of power and money was unheard of to the American Government. The Government panicked. Joseph McCarthy used this hysteria to gain control and become a leader in this cruel environment.

Concluding/ Transition (C): In hysteria America likes to generalize on group and eliminate them even if there was no crime executed.


Paragraph #4: Modern Day Witch Hunt Thematic Connection

Topic Sentence (T): Donald Trump’s actions has marginalized illegal immigrants.

Explanatory Sentence (E): This article in The Guardian shows the abused power in the Trump administration.

Evidence (E): ¨Donald Trump has laid the groundwork for potentially deporting millions of undocumented immigrants by issuing new guidance that drastically broadens the ways in which federal immigration laws should be enforced. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) unveiled two memos on Tuesday detailing wide-ranging directives focused on both interior enforcement and cracking down on security along the US-Mexico border. The memorandums would enable federal authorities to more aggressively detain undocumented immigrants, expand the pool of immigrants prioritized for removal from the country, and restrict asylum claims by migrants. The memos set out that any immigrant living in the US illegally who has been charged or convicted of any crime – and even those suspected of a crime – will now be an enforcement priority. That could include people arrested for shoplifting or minor traffic offense¨(The Guardian).

Analysis (A): Donald Trump’s new executive order is marginalizing illegal immigrants. In the Obama Administration, illegal immigrants were overlooked. Obama did not deem it necessary to hunt them down. President Trump uses the fear of the modern day American to scapegoat immigrants. Many Trump supporters assign the blame of their unemployment on illegal immigrants. When really, if an illegal immigrant has a job they usually are working on a farm or don’t work at all.

Concluding/ Transition (C): The hysteria that has been created by the Trump Administration has marginalized illegal immigrants.

Paragraph #5: Concluding Paragraph (ROC)

Reflection on Thesis (R): In the United State minorities have been falsely accused of criminal acts, pushed aside into the margins of society and made out to be villains. Minorities have been scapegoated therefore marginalized and disempowered.

Overview of Main Points (O): In the late 1600’s to the late 1900’s, minorities have had to live in constant fear of the oppressors.

Concluding Idea (C): History has repeated itself for generations and will continue to repeat. From the illegal immigrants to the We need to get minorities out of the margins of society and unite the United States.

It was a lot easier using the outline in TEEAC form. It did not feel like I was writing an essay, it felt like I was just plugging in writing prompts. With the Giver essay it was a lot more stressful, this essay basicle wrote itself. The TEEAC form is the most helpful paragraph writing tool I’ve ever used.

Structure Fits Function – Small Intestine

Did you ever wonder what happens inside the digestive system or where your food goes after you swallow it. Part of the process of the food digesting is the small intestine. By the time the food gets to the small intestine it is broken down into almost a liquid. But what is the small intestine? That’s what I’m going to tell you today!
1. The Small Intestine has a rough surface (villi) so the food will be absorbed by it into the body. It isn’t stored, but it is absorbed.
2. It is 15-30 ft long, to make sure the maximum the amount of nutrients absorbed from the food.
3. Because it is so long, the body coils it up on itself.
4. So it doesn’t uncoil, the Small Intestine is surrounded by the Large Intestine.
5. It also has a thick muscle layer surrounding it to increase the surface area.

All of that helps the Small Intestine do it’s function! Screen Shot 2016-04-18 at 8.48.42 PM

What I’m working on

I’m working on keeping all of my ideas in on place. Most of the time its a good thing because when I’m brain storming in class I get a lot of ideas. But when I’m writing something I usually think out of the box and that’s not usually a good thing. For some subjects this is a strength and others its a weakness. I’m going to get better at this by practicing staying on topic no matter what.

4 thing I hate about NYC

One of the four things I hate about New York City is that you can never get exactly what you ordered in a restaurant. For example at Percy’s Pizza you give them a dollar to give you one good slice but whenever you eat it, is always too big, or too small. Another thing thats not great in NYC is there is always a person on the subway staring at you with a mad look on there face. There is never a welcoming face on the subway. Also people always think of super stars as some kind of god, they are people too. The worst part about the city is the weird rotten egg smell that come and goes, but you never know where it comes from. You always think ew that is gross and then forget about it and you never think to look for it.

Adolescent Issues Post 1




When you were in lower school, what was something that you were excited about for Fifth Grade? How do you feel about it now that you’ve done it?
What was something about Fifth Grade that you were a little nervous or worried about? How do you feel about it now?
What is something about which you are still a little nervous or worried? What might you do to feel a little less nervous or worried?
What is something that you haven’t done yet in middle school about which you are excited? What are you excited about it?

I was exited to have more  freedom in between classes. Before we had to walk in strait lines. I am kind of  disappointed because it was less fun then I thought it would be. The first week it was amazing and then I just got used to it. But the second week it was old. Now it’s just I was worried that Fifth Grade would be to much for me. At that time a Fifth Grader had told me that 5th grade is aggravatingly hard. So that got me worried. Later the person said they were just trying to scare me. I feel like Fifth Grade is actually easier than I thought it would be. Our teachers give us the same amount of homework that we got in 4th grade. We just have more time to do it. I am still a little worried about my attendance record. I don’t always want to be late or exactly on time. I am exited to do “The Special Day”. I think it’s called learning day. Last year on that day the Fifth Graders/6th went surfing. So I’m exited to see what they are going to do this year  .

Math Exploration



If you look at the way is shaped you’ll see. When ever somebody dies a baby is born. But than 1 more baby is born to keep  the system unbalance so it grows. Learning that it started at 5 million made me to change everything. Such As the data points, the x/y axis and I had to use more room on the sheet. For my x/y axis I was counting by 10,000 so I had 4 places to put data points in 100 years. For me that was helpful. I was having some trouble figuring out the way my graph will take form but I realized the more poeple there are the more people are going to die. That helped me the most.