Photo Shop Project

My piece “tHe PhOtOsHoP pRoJeCt” is a political statement on cyber bullying. I really put emphasis by contrasting the old ladies to three different colors to display that we all show our true colors on the anonymous platform of the internet. The water is a symbol for the internet community and how its sucking in our personalities and giving us nothing back. Thats why there is no reflection in the water because the reflection is the personalities that are invisible. I purposely made the old ladies old ladies to show a kind of pattern that we are all the same flesh and blood, but the contrast was done to say our true colors are different. I chose to make Lil Uzi Vert in the sky shining on all the old ladies and the water to show that Lil Uzi Vert (a symbol of Peace) was there posing a helping hand. I chose the old ladies to be doing a different action each to display every kind of internet platform.


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