Adolescent Issues Post 1




When you were in lower school, what was something that you were excited about for Fifth Grade? How do you feel about it now that you’ve done it?
What was something about Fifth Grade that you were a little nervous or worried about? How do you feel about it now?
What is something about which you are still a little nervous or worried? What might you do to feel a little less nervous or worried?
What is something that you haven’t done yet in middle school about which you are excited? What are you excited about it?

I was exited to have more  freedom in between classes. Before we had to walk in strait lines. I am kind of  disappointed because it was less fun then I thought it would be. The first week it was amazing and then I just got used to it. But the second week it was old. Now it’s just I was worried that Fifth Grade would be to much for me. At that time a Fifth Grader had told me that 5th grade is aggravatingly hard. So that got me worried. Later the person said they were just trying to scare me. I feel like Fifth Grade is actually easier than I thought it would be. Our teachers give us the same amount of homework that we got in 4th grade. We just have more time to do it. I am still a little worried about my attendance record. I don’t always want to be late or exactly on time. I am exited to do “The Special Day”. I think it’s called learning day. Last year on that day the Fifth Graders/6th went surfing. So I’m exited to see what they are going to do this year  .

Math Exploration



If you look at the way is shaped you’ll see. When ever somebody dies a baby is born. But than 1 more baby is born to keep  the system unbalance so it grows. Learning that it started at 5 million made me to change everything. Such As the data points, the x/y axis and I had to use more room on the sheet. For my x/y axis I was counting by 10,000 so I had 4 places to put data points in 100 years. For me that was helpful. I was having some trouble figuring out the way my graph will take form but I realized the more poeple there are the more people are going to die. That helped me the most.

Humanity’s 2

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On Friday we had to put cards that said event from the big bang to now in chronological order (time order). My group was short on cards so it was hard to keep track of. I learned what chronological means (time order). I also learned that we (us humans) are not that big at all in the scale of the universe. I figured out that coal was made by plants over million of years. I think I skipped that part in my learning log. One of the cards in my groups deck was “the moon formed” we were having a disagreement over where the moon goes. Does it go before the seasons or after? The after I figured out the answer was before the seasons were made.



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On Friday we had to put cards that said event from the big bang to now in chronological order (time order). My group was short on cards so it was hard to keep track of. I learned what chronological means. I also learned that we (us humans) are not that big at all in the scale of the universe. I also learned that coal was made by plants over million of years I think I skipped it by accident in my note book.

Sceince project

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Last year in science we did a whole section on atoms so I know from brain pop. Also When I was in Third Grade I remember reading “THE SECRET BEING THE BIG BANG”. In generally I like to think of atoms in a cartooned way. So I thought of the atom when we were picturing them like this.

Graph Opservatoins



The last one on the bottom (B) starts at five meters and all of the others start at zero. Everybody used different amounts of seconds so the shapes all look different. So there is know way of telling whose right or wrong from just looking at it. The second one down in (A) is not supposed to be a strait progression because there are a lot of stops. The person  who made that graph was a little confused. Anyway that you put that graph it is wrong. You couldn’t put it in any list of graphs what so ever. Also there are no lines in between some of the graphs and the should be because progress is being made. Most of the shapes on graph (B) look the same because the people who decided to do that graph used the same amount of seconds. Though one graph in particular (mine) in (C) is going up in a slightly less curved way then all the others.

The new planners

I think we should have I pads for the planners that way we can just be emailed our home work. Also since you’ll email the home work it is less likely that we don’t write our homework down. Us kids should have a test to see if were responsible. Its a privilege to have a planner that’s a I pad so if we are bad we can just take it away.