November 8

Giver Essay Template

Name: Gus Dotson                                            Humanities

7th Grade                                                                  The Giver


Themes: Ignorance vs. Knowledge

Paragraph #1: Introductory Paragraph (GIT)

Grabber Statement (G):

Imagine a world with no color, no freedom, and no knowledge, this is The Giver by Lois Lowry

Introduce Plot Summary (I):

12 year old Jonas is turned into an outcast after he is assigned to be the new receiver and must decide what to do with the knowledge he has been given. For it is him and only him that must bear knowledge of the past.

Thesis Statement (T):

Jonas’ Society in a dystopia because there is no freedom to know and understand the world and no true feeling.


Paragraph #2: Thematic Analysis

Topic Sentence (T):

In the Giver the characters are kept ignorant

Explanatory Sentence (E):

In the Community the elders keep up the utopia by not letting the people know about the past or anything that might encourage them to come up with rebellious ideas.

Evidence (E):

For example jonas didn’t know what color was until he had his sessions  with the Giver, and then when he tries to tell his friend about color the kid just stares at him. “‘Asher,” Jonas said one morning, “look at those flowers very carefully.’… trying to transmit the color red to his friend.”

Analysis (A):

This shows that the people in Jonas’ community are so ignorant that they can’t even see color. This really shows that the elders want control over EVERYTHING.

Concluding/ Transition (C):

Although the average community member is ignorant to many things Jonas and the Giver are more knowledgeable than many people in our world today.


Paragraph #3: Thematic Analysis Continued

Topic Sentence (T):

The Giver and Jonas are the only non ignorant people in the community.

Explanatory Sentence (E):

The reason this is is because all the people except the Giver and Receiver, don’t know about the past so they can’t help others or themselves in the future. The giver and Receiver know about the past and that means there were things that happened in the past that they can use to help themselves or others in the future.

Evidence (E):

On page 89 of The Giver, the Giver says, “‘But it certainly made them aware of how they need a Receiver to contain all that pain. And knowledge.’”

Analysis (A):

This shows that the that the common people are ignorant but the giver and receiver are actually quite knowledgeable, and probably know more than many people in our world, because they know about the past.

Concluding/ Transition (C):

The theme of knowledge vs. ignorance is very important to the book because that is what creates the conflict.

Paragraph #4: Concluding Paragraph (ROC)

Restatement of Thesis (R):

Jonas’ society is a dystopia because ignorance and knowledge can’t coexist. A society that has only one or two people with knowledge is weak because knowledge is power. To only give a few people power you are creating a dictatorship.

Overview of Main Points (O):

Aspects of life are like a giant web, if you take away the bad you will also end up taking away the good at the same time. To make a perfect world you need difference. Choice is what makes us humans and without it we would be more like robots and less like people.

Concluding Sentence– Comparisons and Connections (C):

Would you want to live in a world where you didn’t see color or feel emotion? Would you want to not know you parents but have others that pretended to be them? Is being the same truly perfect or is difference more important to have difference?

October 30

Math Post #2

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Good                                                         Bad

I think that the good one is good because it is neat and has a few examples to show what I am explaining. I think that the bad one is bad because it is messy and not very clear what I am saying. Plus there are no examples. I have noticed that I have not had any very messy pages seance the beginning of the year.

October 30

Math post 1

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This assignment was all about finding similar figures. To solve this sheet you mainly just had to find a scale factor and is two shapes had the same scale factor then they were similar. I didn’t find this to be a very difficult sheet but I think it would be much easier now that I understand scale factors better.

October 14

Mandarin Video

For the madarin project in the first quarter my goup made a video/skit all about the dragon boat festival. I think that my group didn’t do the best job on this project but I think that it was also the very first project of that size that we had had that year so I think I will be able to do better in the future. I also think there were some technical dificulties with the filming and editing that won’t happen in the future.

Click Here For Video

October 10

Value Chart Post


The main trouble that I ran into was that I couldn’t get there to be just one shade of pencil. What I mean by this is that I was having trouble getting the coloring smooth so that each box had one shade rather than multiple. Another trouble that I ran into was that I had trouble keeping all the little lines in the box because I was trying to cover the space with long strokes rather than little scribbles. Overall I think that I did a good job but with some more practice I could do better.

July 29

Summer Reading

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image      These four books that I read befor leaving for camp on June 28. The reason that I read the first three is because I had read the first 2 books in the series and loved them. The way that I learned about the CHERUB book was because I had read the 7 other books in the series and have LOVED all the other books and this one didn’t least me down, same with the Brotherbands.

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These three books above I have read in the past three days from getting back from camp. I had started reading “The Mysterious Benedict Society” but for no reason I just stopped reading it so I picked it up after camp and started from the beginning and loved it. As with all the CHERUB books I have read, I loved “The General” and just couldn’t stop reading I and finished it in one day. Another book that I read this week that I thoroughly enjoyed was a book called ” The Real Book About Cowboys”. The reason I chose to read this book was because every year I go and stay a a fully working cattle ranch and I really love it there so I wanted to know more about the history of cattle ranching and the history of the west.

August, 29, 2016

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These three books I read over the past two weeks while at the beach. The first that I read was “Tuck Everlasting”. It is a book about a girl that lives a very protected life until she decides to run away one day. When she runs away she meet many people and learns many things in a world she had heard of but never been in. I also annotated this book. The next book that I read was Robert Louis stevensons “Treasure Island”. This is a book about a young boy who goes on a sea voyage but there is a mutiny and he and the top men have to escape a group of treasure hungry pirates. I had started this book a while  ago but didn’t finish it so I restarted it and LOVED it. The third book that I read was Trenton Lee Stewart’s “Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey” the second book in the Mysterious Bennedict Society series. In this book Mr. Benedict is captured and Kate, Renyie, Sticky and Constance, must save him from his evil twin. All three of these books where wonder ful and I would recommend them to anyone.

I couldn’t tell if I was supposed to post my annotations on Tuck Everlasting so I’m just going to post them. The way that I did my anotations was that I wrote a caption then I did two post-it’s as evidence.

One thing that really struck me about this book was how well the characters fit together, and how subtle but obvious was the good versus evil theme. The way the characters fit into the good versus evil theme is that the “good” guys are more welcoming, while the “bad” guys give off a slimy aura. The way angels supposedly give off a good feeling, these guys give off a bad feeling. Also the bad guys mainly show up in the grey and dark or shadowy times of day like early morning or late evening or night.


  1. on p.21 the man in the yellow suit is waiting outside the house all night which is creepy and makes me think he might have bad intentions.
  2. on p.29 Jesse tries to prevent Winnie from drinking the water because he knows what will happen if she does and he wants to help her have a choice whether to be stuck with eternal life or death eventually.

One aspect of the book that interests me is how realistic the characters are. It is as if you could know them yourself and have interactions with them on a daily basis.


  1. On p.55 Miles says “We just jumped in, with our clothes on. Too hot and tired to shed’em.” This reminds me of when I go swimming in the pond near my house.
  2. On p.44 it says “Jesse went whooping and jumping down the stream.” I can imagine doing this myself.

Another feature of the book was the fact that the setting was so real that I could imagine sitting in the woods there, swimming in the lake or even just sitting eating dinner. The town mentioned in this book reminds me of so many other towns I have been to or seen.


  1. On page 85 the author talks about the lake at the Tucks’ house and it reminds me of my neighbor’s pond. The placement of it and the fact that it is peaceful and doesn’t feel overused but is just there for people who think of it to use it.
  2. from page 50-53 the author describes the Tucks’ house and it reminds me of my friend Conrad’s house. It isn’t too small or too big. It feels like a loved home, not any kind of showcase. It is t dirty or messy, but it definitely has a little bit of clutter that makes it feel like a lot of living goes on there.

I appreciated how the author showed, without saying it directly, that although at first you might wish to live forever, that living forever might not be as good as it seems. The way she does this is by subtly having the characters state the bad about living forever while also mentioning some good aspects so as not to deliver it full force.

Post-it’s (for this section I made a pro and con list about living forever instead of post-it’s. My list has page numbers)


On page 38 Jesse didn’t die when he fell out of the tree and landed on his neck. Immortality saved him from an accidental death.

On page 39 Pa didn’t die when he got bitten by a snake. Pro because without Pa the family would not run as well as it does.


Page 39- “Friends thought they had used black magic” Con because they could be accused of crimes they didn’t commit.

Page 39- Mileses wife thought he had sold his soul to the devil and so she ran off with the children and Miles never saw them again. Con because he loved his children and had not sold his soul to the devil, but still suffered the consequences of these losses.



This book I read while in the car back from the beach. It was a quick and easy read but well written and quite funny. It is filled with wit and humor and although one might think a story of its length is non important it was worth ever minute I spent reading it.

I would say I have loved every single book that I have read this summer and hope to read even more as it continues.

June 5

My Rumi Poem

For one of our harder assignments we were asked to write a poem in the style of one of the most famous poets of all time, Rumi. For our Rumi poems we had to go to a site online and read through some of his poems. Then we had to chose a poem that we liked and then we had to write our own version of the poem, but with our own wording. The reason that I found this harder to complete than some of the others was because I found that the wording and symbolism that he used in his poems where actually harder to master than it looked like. The poem that I chose to imitate was a poem about life and asking why cling to life if it hurts to when you will be brought back in a different form when you die.

So here it is:

Do You Need To hold on to It?(My Poem in the Style of Rumi)

By Gus Dotson


Do you need to hold on to it?

It is worn and wasted

You have torn and ripped it

It is ragged and useless


Why hold onto it

The wind will take your soul

And you will live on

One life, Then another and another


You could live on in happiness

Never ending peace

You could be calm

You would never have to cripple and crinkle

You would never die

So why hold on?


June 5

Poem About my Dog

During a free writing period I decide to write a poem about my dog. For this poem I decided to base it off of my dogs traits. so I thought of some of his more prominent traits like how he is smart, fast, agile, and brave (just to name a few). then I decide that it would sound even better if I connected these traits to other living beings. So once I had all the traits matched with another thing I then had to figure out the best wording for it. That was probably the easiest part because I had most of the words and all I had to do was use some filler words to transition form one simile to the next

So here it is:

Treble is Trouble:

He’s like a snake, you can not grab him

He’s like stag, you can’t outrun him

He’s like a wolf, wild, brave and swift

He’s like an old man, he knows more than many

He’s like Houdini, he will always escape

He is Treble.

June 5

Personification Poem

A personification poem is a poem where you give something that doesn’t have a set of characteristics its own characteristics. For our Personification poems we took a ten minute walk and took photos of things that we saw that we thought we could personify. Then when we got back to class we had to chose what the object that we chose would feel like and act like

Then once that was done we started to write. For mine I chose to write about sign that I found attached to a rail beside some stairs.

So now that you know that here it is:

Why a Sign


Why did you leave me here

I wish I still had a purpose

I just sit here waiting for you

You could at least say “Hi”

You used to love me

I would work all day for you

But now I am useless

And you don’t love me

I could have been a black card

I could have been a knife

I could have belonged to a jeweler

I could have been a key chain

I could have been a dollar coin

But I’m just a rusty old sign

June 3

Poem in the Style of Armant

For this poem I was trying to write in the style of one of my classmates who’s name is Armant. To do this I had to reach into the “depth of my soul” and find my inner dark side. then I had to channel this dark side to writing a poem about the death of my dog. For about 2-3 years after my dog died every time I thought of him I would begin to cry. So writing this poem helped get all that of my chest but in a way it also made these feelings stronger. so most of the time I can keep from crying out loud but my eyes will still water up every once in a while. For righting this I really had to try and remember some of my most fond memories with him, then I had to turn that into something I would write into my poem.

So Now that I have explained that, this is my poem:

Goodbye Toddy

By Gus Dotson


Goodbye, I will miss you

I wish you had stayed longer

You were like my brother

You were like my trusty steed

I would ride you round the house

You were with me all my life

I hope you will be happy

I want you to come back

I will always miss you

But I still love treble