Social Justice Teach-In


Our workshop went pretty well. The first time we did it we got a late start, we were a little nervous, and we were going pretty slow so we quickly began to run out of time but we got through everything even though the end was a little rushed. In between the first and second workshops, we began cutting out slides because we hadn’t realized that we started late the first time. Our second went really, really well excluding the fact, a few slides were cut out here and there so we ended up going through the whole slideshow pretty fast.

I Am Malala

Over winter break I read the book I Am Malala for the social justice. I thought the book was very interesting but it didn’t really help me learn more about my topic of Women’s Education. The book talked more about her family and what was going on with the Taliban in her valley and didn’t really talk about women’s education.

Reflecting on The Winter Concert

1: I think something our best moment was remembering our notes in seasons of love, it took us a long time to get it but it ended up as our best song.

2: I was very proud that we could all remember the greek in the katlanta.

3: Overall I think the whole thing was a challenge and we needed a lot of work on all the songs.

Learning Values

1.  Learning is meaningful to me when I can learn about topics that matter to the world.

2. Learning is meaningful to me when I can develop skills that will help me make a positive change in the world.

3. Learning is meaningful to me when I can learn about myself, my identity and my place in the world.

1st Photoshop Project

This picture started with only Sadie carrying a surfboard and zucc her dog on the sand, I photoshopped everything else in. At first, I only put in the dolphin but Rohan told me I needed more. Then I saw Stella sitting next to me and told her to lay on the floor so I could take a picture of her. She made a really nice pose so I felt like her nice pose would look great on top of Sadie’s surfboard. After that, my picture was a little too serious so I felt like I could spice it up with some flying men. The flying men show proportion and pattern, and the dolphin shows movement. Stella is showing a lot of emphasis because it is showing the more important things closer up.

3 Era Connection Essay

In this essay, we were asked to connect three different witch hunts. We wrote about the Salem Witch Trials, the McCarthy era and today. While writing this essay I learned how to make better connections. This essay also helped me think about current events and history in a new way because I could now connect. Also, this essay helped me keep up with the news.

I think I did really well on this essay but I needed to work a little bit on my grammar. I definitely need to take a little bit more time to check over my work before I submit it but this is something I could easily fix. Even though I did very well on my analysis I would still like to improve it a little bit. I would also like to improve my conclusion of my body paragraphs.

End of Trimester Math Check Up

Figures are mathematically similar when they share a scale factor and all corresponding angles are congruent. Having congruent corresponding angles on triangles will automatically be similar but since all rectangles and squares have 90 degree that’s where scale factor comes in. If a shape has all congruent corresponding angles and scale factor that means the similar shape is just an enlarged version of the original similar shape.

True or False, any two rectangles are similar: False. Even though all rectangles’ corresponding angles are congruent not all rectangles share a scale factor. Like I said before, for two shape to be similar they have to share a scale factor and all corresponding angles must be congruent.

True or False, any two equilateral triangles are similar: True. On triangles, if all corresponding angles are congruent it will ensure that those two riangles that have corresponding congruent angles will automatically share a scale factor. We know that all triangles’ angles add up to 180 degrees, which would mean that on all equilateral triangles, the three angles would all be 60 degrees (because the 180 has to be distributed evenly to all angles). Now, since we know that all angles on all equilateral triangles are the same, it tells that there will for sure be a scale factor.