Poems: Late November

For this poem, I was inspired by the weather on my birthday. In early November, you can tell that it is still fall because the leaves are falling. By the last day of November, you know winter is coming. The process of writing this poem didn’t take that long because it is a haiku. This is actually the first and final draft. I didn’t find anything very challenging but if there is one thing I could change it would be to make everything rhyme. I hope you enjoy my poem!


Late November

Leaves on the sidewalk

The wind is getting colder

Winter’s in the air

Structure Fits Function: Macrophage Edition

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How does the structure of a macrophage fit its function? Well, this is how…

Macrophages are blobs. They have microtubules in them. Microtubules are long, bendable filaments that make cells malleable. Microtubules are made out of a protein called Tubulin.That allows the macrophage to move around and morph into different shapes. Because they can morph, they can move around and engulf antigens. If you had a specific structure, you couldn’t do that. It’s ability to morph is perfect for its function.


3rd Quarter Humanities Post


Above is my Plague Letter. In Humanities, we had to write a letter to a friend or family member about the plague. I wrote to my mother. I was the princess of France and I was suspecting that the plague was coming. I wrote a letter because I was going to run away to the mountains. When I was writing, I had to constantly remind myself to not use the word “got” and also to say that I had the plague because if I had it, I wouldn’t be writing a letter. I had to talk about the plague so I wrote that I had a friend in Germany who was also a princess. Her father had the plague so she described the symptoms along with the dreadful flagellants. This post shows that I know a lot about the plague and how the symptoms play out. I didn’t have any goals that had to do with writing.

Arabian Nights Revision Reflection

Revision is adding more to a story without worrying about mechanical errors. Unlike editing where you try to fix all of the mechanical errors in your piece. In revision, you don’t change anything. You just add things to the story to fill in gaps of the story arc that you missed in your first draft or making a part in the story more interesting or clear.

In my piece I am not very proud of my revision job. I fixed gaps in my story arc and made parts more clear but I feel like I didn’t make my story more suspenceful or interesting.

2nd Quarter Humanities Reflection

Something I’m proud of is my Thanksgiving Piece because I was really descriptive in my writing. I learned that I used a lot of words over and over again. How I can continue to do my best work in the future is by using more juicy/descriptive words.



Something that was a bit challenging was my Parzival Essay but I’m still very proud of it. One reason I thought that was challenging was because I didn’t want to repeat my sentences in each paragraph. I learned how to back up my thesis statement and how to write a proper body paragraph. How I can continue to do my best work in the future is by doing the same thing I am going to do for my Thanksgiving Piece.


Beowulf Annotations Reflection

When we read Beowulf this quarter, we had to annotate. Here are the three things that we used to annotate: We would write a chapter summary on the first page of the chapter. We did this in case we needed to use that chapter for a project, if I read the chapter summary, I would know what happened. We would also underline important parts. If there was a new setting or character, that would be a good thing to underline. The last thing we would do it circle and define words. If there was a word we didn’t know, we would circle it and then look up the definition in the dictionary and write it in the margins.

I think that annotating is important because you can learn a lot more things than if you just read the book.

One thing I’m proud of is how I underlined a lot of important parts.

One thing I want to improve on is defining my words.