Fugitive Landlord And His Men Kill Young Man Named Hamir

Breaking News! Recently in Yazman, a young man named Hamir was killed by his landlord, Nazir Mohammad. We have interviewed Hamir’s mother and younger brother and the family that he was betrothed to.


The story is that Nazir Mohammad and his men saw Phulan and Shabanu and tried to take them. They were said to throw water pots at them to fend them off. Onlookers reported that this made Nazir Mohammad very angry. Shabanu and Phulan then ran for their lives, and talked to their mother.


Quickly, the family left in anxiety. Only Dalil Abassi stayed back. When they told the story to Hamir, he quickly became angry that Nazir Mohammad had dared to insult the girl he was betrothed to. He took to violence. Then Nazir and his men came in a jeep. Nazir was drunk, when he saw Hamir he told his men to shoot him. When Hamir was down a few seconds later, they shot him down once more. Murad and Abassi carried his body back to the hut. There they met Bibi Lal who was crying. She was inside the hut while it happened and she said she heard the gun shots. The men splashed water on Hamir but it would not work. They took off their turbans and wiped the blood of him. Behind them they heard Nazir’s jeep driving away. All of them knew they could not do anything. They knew Hamir was dead.
Dalil Abbasi and Murad carried the body back to Hamir’s hut. His mother, Bibi-Lal was devastated. What a terrible turn of events, here in Yazman. Rangers are keeping an eye out for Nazir Mohammad and his posse.

My Map Project So Far…

Olivia B Map Project

For this quarter, we have started a new project! The Map Project. To fufill the requirements, we have to use a NYC Subway map in a way that is meaningful to us. For my project, I am making a water color painting of my apartement building and then puting a foamboard person with a part of my map that is near my house. I am also making a frame to surround the painting. On the from frame, I will make the base with foam board and then use the rest of the map in little pieces to cover it.

Shabanu Blog Post: Diary Entry by Shabanu


Diary Entry About Guluband

Dear Diary,

At the Sibi Fair, Dadi did something that made my heart feel like it was “crumbling up inside me like a burning piece of paper.” (page 62). I am trying to forgive father but I feel that without Guluband, a piece of my heart is missing. I hope that Wardak is not hurting him. Dadi was talking to his Baluch friends and they said that the Iranians and Arabs like to sacrifice the camels for the feast of Eid(page 45). The thought of Guluband ever getting killed makes me sick to my stomach. I hope Mithoo is okay back home. I am wishing that he didn’t forget me. He is only a little baby. I can’t wait to see Mama and Phulan when I get home!




Photo on 5-5-16 at 9.05 PMThis is Shabanu. She is the daughter of Dalil Abassi and she has a mother as well. She has a thirteen-year-old sister and she is married to Murad as she has come to age. She is also a nomad so she lives in different parts of Pakistan before she is married. She has an aunt and two little cousins. She also has a dog named Sher Dil and a camel named Mithoo. She takes care of all the camels and goes to the Sibi fair with her father to sell them.

Shabanu Blog Post: How to Survive a Sandstorm by Shabanu

How to Survive a Sandstorm by Shabanu

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We just had a really large sandstorm cross our camp. The winds were blowing hard and whipping our skin. Even in the safety of our mud hut, dust still got in and made our throats as dry as the desert sand. I am so happy that we had shelter but this is what you should do in case you are outside in a sandstorm.

Step 1: 

Put a chadr or turban over your face so that you are protected and the sand doesn’t go into your eyes, nostrils, or mouth. (If you are outside, make sure to have a lantern so that you can see your way through the storm) “With my chadr over my face, I can open my eyes enough to see the haze of the lantern in Dadi’s hand, the light reflecting from the dust in a tight circle around him.” page 111


Step 2:

Try to find shelter. If you see a small rock or an abandoned jeep try to hide behind it to make sure no flying objects hit you while the storm passes. If there are no possible shelters around, crouch down in a little ball to minimize the chances of getting hit by a flying object.


Step 3:

Get to high ground. The sand always goes into the dunes and low to the ground, so the storm will be less forceful at the top of a hill. Look for high ground if you can find a safe, solid, high point, but only if the storm doesn’t have lightning and there is no danger of being hit by really heavy, flying piece of debris. If you have a camel, have it sit down and press yourself against its side so you are safer from flying objects. Camels are well adapted to surviving in dust storms.If you’re in sand dunes, do not seek shelter right on the leeward side of the dune. The high winds can pick up huge amounts of sand very quickly, and you could find yourself being buried in the sand.


Step 4:

Wait out the storm


Photo on 5-5-16 at 9.05 PMThis is Shabanu. She is the daughter of Dalil Abassi and she has a mother as well. She has a thirteen-year-old sister and she is married to Murad as she has come to age. She is also a nomad so she lives in different parts of Pakistan before she is married. She has an aunt and two little cousins. She also has a dog named Sher Dil and a camel named Mithoo. She takes care of all the camels and goes to the Sibi fair with her father to sell them.

Poems: Late November

For this poem, I was inspired by the weather on my birthday. In early November, you can tell that it is still fall because the leaves are falling. By the last day of November, you know winter is coming. The process of writing this poem didn’t take that long because it is a haiku. This is actually the first and final draft. I didn’t find anything very challenging but if there is one thing I could change it would be to make everything rhyme. I hope you enjoy my poem!


Late November

Leaves on the sidewalk

The wind is getting colder

Winter’s in the air

Structure Fits Function: Macrophage Edition

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How does the structure of a macrophage fit its function? Well, this is how…

Macrophages are blobs. They have microtubules in them. Microtubules are long, bendable filaments that make cells malleable. Microtubules are made out of a protein called Tubulin.That allows the macrophage to move around and morph into different shapes. Because they can morph, they can move around and engulf antigens. If you had a specific structure, you couldn’t do that. It’s ability to morph is perfect for its function.


My Fabric Collage!

Olivia B FabricThis is my fabric collage. Everyone relates their collage to their guild character. Each guild will have a banner and all the fabric collages will be pasted on to it. This is a picture of my bakery I share with my triplet sisters Ivy(Piper) and Eden(Stella).

One Of My Creative Writing Pieces

This is a writing piece that I wrote for the Thanksgiving Assembly (but unfortunately didn’t get to read at the assembly). I am proud of this piece because I feel that when I revised it, I could really picture the setting and my nine year old self being annoyed because the flame didn’t go out. The first large piece of writing is the first draft and the second one is the revised one.