Beowulf Annotations Reflection

When we read Beowulf this quarter, we had to annotate. Here are the three things that we used to annotate: We would write a chapter summary on the first page of the chapter. We did this in case we needed to use that chapter for a project, if I read the chapter summary, I would know what happened. We would also underline important parts. If there was a new setting or character, that would be a good thing to underline. The last thing we would do it circle and define words. If there was a word we didn’t know, we would circle it and then look up the definition in the dictionary and write it in the margins.

I think that annotating is important because you can learn a lot more things than if you just read the book.

One thing I’m proud of is how I underlined a lot of important parts.

One thing I want to improve on is defining my words.

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