This is a picture of my population graph. The axis represent time and the population of the world. We had to start the time axis from 100,000 B.C.E. (before common era.) What number we were going to skip count by (I did every 5,000 years) was up to us. Today the population is a little over 7 billion people. What really changed my data points was when Ana said that 5,000 B.C.E. there were only 5 million people. It changed my data points because I thought that the population wouldn’t even be that low. The population was not that high until the mid 1800s when we hit our first billion. That changed my graph a lot.
You did a nice job setting up this graph so that the x and y axes went up to the correct numbers! I also think its so interesting how the graph takes a plunge at year 5000 BCE. Why do you think it does that? Is there another possible shape to the graph?