History of the World

Screen Shot 2014-10-12 at 6.24.04 PMIn Social Studies last Friday, Heather and Wendy split my split into groups. Each group was given a small pile of the index cards that everyone wrote a part in history. We had to put those cards in chronological order. Once your group was done, your group would check other tables and make suggestions.

It was a little hard when your group had all these cards and you had them spread out when you first started because you had to find the very first thing that happened in history with the cards you had.

When my group and I were putting the cards in order, I learned that the Cambrian Explosion was before the dinosaurs were alive. The dinosaurs emerged from the Permian Extinction. 185 million years later, all the dinosaurs went extinct when a 6 mile astroid hit the earth.


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