Mandarin Video

This is a mandarin assignment that I finished recently. It is a video telling the story of the Chinese dragon boat festival. I play the water dragon in the movie. In a few weeks I will be verbally assessed on my lines. I learned a lot of new vocabulary from this project because of how detailed our lines are. I also learned about the story of the festival itself. The movie itself is very humorous while still retaining it’s educational purposes. Enjoy.

Art Value Charts

In Art we worked on our value charts, which will help us with our technique for our realistic eye drawing. In this photo I am demonstrating a technique to create value. This technique is called cross hatching, which is when you cross line segments to create value which can be applied to pretty much anything in the drawing, such as highlights, shadows, and mid tones. If you want the value to be smooth, then you can smooth out the cross hatching with a blending stump, which will blend the line segments together.


Oliver Math Profile

Oliver          9/10/16

B                 Math Profile


I remember in kindergarten in class we were learning how to count by twos. I always thought to myself, “Why are we chanting random numbers?” I was always too afraid to ask the teacher in class because I thought that my classmates would think that I was stupid. As I grew older, I gradually came to understand things that I once didn’t know. I think this is because I started to pay more and more attention in class, and that I am an extremely fast learner. In fourth grade I had an extremely hard time understanding the US algorithm for addition, as the teacher called it. But from then on fourth, I did alright in math. I got decent grades, and I was understanding all the concepts the teacher was teaching us. Something that I like about learning math is how everything always makes sense and fits together. Like finding the all the different factors of a product, or long division. Something that I don’t like about learning math is how things are explained sometimes.


Something interesting about me is that I know 4 programming languages, which sort of gives me a higher understanding of some of the more known confusing parts of math, sort of like variables. In batch and python I use variables all the time, so I am comfortable with. I am curious if other parts of programming are also parts of math, like functions. I consider myself a good math student now because I can understand mathematical concepts easily. My routine for doing homework is to sit down at the dining room table, and simply, work. Whenever I get stuck I like to clear my head by eating dinner or taking a break, and take a stab at it again. If I am extremely stuck I will ask my mom to look at it, and if I am impossibly stuck I will call a friend for help.

Summer Reading


The book’s main character is the son of a Nazi general.

The main character is named Bruno.

In the beginning of the book Bruno moves from Berin to a big house in the middle of nowhere next to a concentration camp that is blocked by a fence. Bruno calls this place Out-With

There is a lot of foreshadowing of the fate of Shmuel and Bruno.

Bruno is ignorant of his surroundings.

Bruno and Shmuel are very trusting of each other.

Bruno and Shmuel are opposites, sort of like a devil to an angel.

The relationship Nazi’s have with Jews is very confusing to Bruno.

Bruno hates Lieutenant Cotler because he thinks he is cold and he flirts with his sister.



All The light we cannot see


Marie-Laure is a blind french teenage protagonist.

Werner pfennig is a german protagonist.

whenever something good happens to one of them, something bad happens to the other.

General Van Rumpel wants the diamond sea of flames to heal his tumors.

the main characters are both kind, smart, curious, and obedient.

Marie-Laure father gets sent to a concentration camp.

The stone is making bad things happen to Marie-Laure?

Werner went to a very fancy school that was pretty much nazi training camp.

Werner was a prodigy with radios.


Chai Latte Poem


If I said I was shy

That would be a lie

It will take me a while to say goodbye

With my chai latte


I love this chai latte

That is why I will stay.

With my chai latte.

I think that this scrumptious gourmet

Will give way

All the way out of my tummay

So you better whittle away

At my awesomeness

Which contains flawlessness

While it rains

Nobody can clasp onto my brains

Even with silver chains.


My inspiration behind this poem is my love for chai lattes. It is not a certain type of poem. This poem has elements of rhyme and beat. I think that this poem came out well because I feel like it really expresses my love for chai lattes. I think that I could improve it by using more creative rhymes.

Farm Poem



Leaves drop spring water.

Horses eating their fodder.

The day gets hotter.


I didn’t really have any inspiration behind this poem. I just sort of wrote stuff and it turned out to be this. It is a haiku. It has elements of rhyme and beat. I like this poem because of it’s clever rhyming. I think that I could improve it by using more descriptive language in the first words of the lines.

Water Poem




The nectar of life

Clean and efficient




My inspiration behind this poem is my love of water. I love water and I decided to make a poem about it.


My poem is a haiku.


It has line breaks, it is concise, and it has a clear beat.


I like this poem because it is very clean and efficient, like water. I think that I could improve it by using more descriptive language.

Map Art Piece

Oliver Map Project 4


I call my piece “Quarters”. I created this piece of art by using Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 edition on a computer. I developed my understanding of types of photos that would compliment each other when you blend them together. I also learned a lot about the nyc map in general by looking at it. My favorite part of my piece is the part where the rest of the city is dark and cloudy and manhattan is bright green and clear. If I could change something about it, I would be the way it printed out on regular paper because when I printed on regular paper it looked very muddy. While making it I was surprised about how great everything came out looking!. Something else I wanna share about this project is how fun it was for me. I have been using photoshop for three years and I feel like with this project I got to show how much I know.


Map Art Favorite Piece

Oliver Map Project 4

The thing about this project that made it my favorite is it’s flexibility. You could do anything you want to represent the map to you. The thing that I did to make it my favorite is my idea to make the art digital. I love digital art and I felt like doing this project allowed me to share what I know.

Mandarin Letter




我叫艾子豪。我今年十二岁。我在 JJJL6 的班。我上六年级。你是美国人, 我也是美国人。我在 JJJL6 的班。我是美国人。我的家有四个人,爸爸,妈妈,妹妹。我有三沙鼠。我是小红学校的一个学生。我会说英文和一点儿中文。你喜欢吃汉堡包和比萨, 还有宫保鸡丁和意大利面。我也喜欢吃汉堡包和比萨,还有宫保鸡丁和意大利面。我的家有四个人, 我的爸爸,我的妈妈,我的妹妹,和我。我在Lynne的班。我说英语。我会用筷子。我最喜欢的是橙色和蓝色。我最喜欢滑雪。你最喜欢什么运动? 你最喜欢什么颜色?我是小红学校的一个学生。我属羊。我的朋友是 Wyatt, Harvey, Eli, Sam, Marlowe, Elijah Zach 和 Hudson。他们喜欢汉堡。他们打蓝球。我喜欢培根寿司。我有一个狗。
