Hero Essay

Heroes are people who convey loyalty when threatened and scared, who are hopeful when all is lost, and show selflessness when they themselves are desperate. Heroes are people who, despite all the chaos and conflict around them, still remain strong. Ulysses, the ancient Greek hero is actually quite similar to Anne Frank, the Jewish-German hero. They both fought in the darkness, which was caused by people repressing them physically and mentally. Ulysses and Anne Frank both demonstrated very deep and heroic qualities in their lives. A hero will always demonstrate those qualities, no matter how tough the scenario.


Ulysses was a hero because even when he was desperate, he was still selfless. While a normal human would be selfish when scared, Ulysses always shared his resources when he had little to nothing. On page 96-99 of The Adventures Of Ulysses by Bernard Evslin, Ulysses and his men were starving on an island that had a scarcity in food. Ulysses shared the food that he had gathered and never stashed any away. That is amazing. That made me truly believe that he was a hero because he cared for his men even when he was in hard times too. Sharing when you are in need was my deciding point in Ulysses being a hero.


Anne Frank was a hero that worked really hard without much feedback, but she always kept her qualities of compassion and selflessness in hard times. She was an extremely compassionate person throughout her life, no matter what she faced. Anne expressed her compassion deeply when she comforted her dying, sick sister in the rough nazi concentration camp. It was when Anne was hopeful that everything would get better with her and her sister in the camp that I realized how powerful and heroic of a human being Anne really was. That is why Anne Frank is a hero. She was always positive even though everything around her was negative and she never gave up.


These two people were very powerful in their ability of hopefulness and selflessness. It is amazing how they could give and share even in the worst of situations. They both never gave up. That to me is very inspiring. If everyone was like that then there would be less poverty since then everyone would share, no matter how bad their own life was. If everyone was hopeful then even when life is bad, everyone would stay on the bright side and never give up. That is paradise. That is a hero.


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