Final Giver Essay

Name: Kaya                                             Humanities

7th Grade                                                                         The Giver

The Giver’s World: How the People see it… Or don’t see it

In The Giver by Lois Lowry, Jonas lives in a utopia… or does he?Jonas has followed the rules ever since he was born until he is told that the rules are a thing from the past. He became the apprentice of the Giver. He discovered the cruelty and the happiness of the past. His life changed forever, but his friends don’t feel the pain or the love and don’t know how to relate. Jonas has feelings that are slipping out. Jonas’s society is a dystopia because people are ignorant to the rules, have no knowledge of the world around them, and are forced to be obedient.

The community is ignorant and kept in the dark by a higher power known as the Elders. Most of the community is oblivious to the way the Elders control people. The Elders keep them obedient with rituals each day. One of those rituals is that everyone is assigned a job. On pg.105 of The Giver, Lowry writes, “Oh, your instructors are well trained. They know their scientific facts. Everyone is well trained for his job.” This shows how the community makes sure that everybody has the perfect job for them. Something that they are good at and will be successful with. The Elders watch every child from a young age strategically opening doors into their future. They do all of this to create a utopia. Many people in the community don’t know about pain and emotion do to the pill they take. The community is ignorant and don’t know how pain feels except for the Giver and now, Jonas.

Knowledge is very important but, not many people in Jonas’s community have it. In this utopia, only a small amount of people have knowledge. Most just follow the rules given to them. On page 78, in The Giver, “And punishment for disobedience-” This shows that the community has to be obedient. They don’t have a choice to be truly free because they are obedient. There are so many rules to follow that nobody can feel free. Therefore much of the community are not aware of being imprisoned by rules.

This society is not a utopia because the people are ignorant, they have no freedom of choice and the community is shut out and locked away in this world they call a utopia. A utopia is a place where everybody knows the truth, where the truth is happiness, where everybody is held at the same standard. In Jonas’s community none of these things are relevant in his world. They are kept ignorant and don’t know what the penalties are for being different. This is a community where people are brainwashed and told to be obedient to the endless rules. This world is far from a perfect, infact it is simply a fantasy image.

String Muir Web

The string web was really interesting. We all picked a piece of paper with a location and food. For Example, If I picked a cow I would have to find the envirement, and the what it consumes. When everyone was done going around the room and finding there resources they sat in the middle of the room. Someone, for example, grass, could have said cow and I would get the string it went all around and created a web. It was really cool to see how the smallest things could connect to so much. I really liked this.




Giver Essay 2016


Themes: Ignorance v. Knowledge

Paragraph #1: Introductory Paragraph (GIT)

Grabber Statement (G): In the Giver by Lois Lowry Jonas lives in a utopia… or does he?

Introduce Plot Summary (I): In the Giver, Jonas has followed the rules ever since he was born until he is told that the rules are a thing from the past. He became the “apprentice” of the Giver. He dicovered the cruelty and the happiness of the past. His life changed forever, but his friends don’t feel the pain or the love and don’t know how to relate. Jonas has feelings that are slipping out.

Thesis Statement (T): Jonas’s society is a dystopia because people are ignorant to the rules and are forced to be obedient.


Paragraph #2: Thematic Analysis

Topic Sentence (T): The community is ignorant and kept in the dark by a higher power known as the Elders.

Explanatory Sentence (E): Most of the community is oblivious to the way the Elders control people. The Elders keep them obedient with rituals each day.

Evidence (E): One of those rituals is that everyone is assigned a job. On pg.105 of the Giver, Lowry writes, “Oh, your instructors are well trained. They know their scientific facts. Everyone is well trained for his job.”

Analysis (A): This shows how the community makes sure that everybody has the perfect job for them. Something that they are good at and will be successful with. The Elders watch every child from a young age strategically opening doors into their future. They do all of this to create a utopia. Many people in the community don’t know about pain and emotion do to the pill they take.

Concluding/ Transition (C): The community is ignorant and don’t know how pain feels except for the Giver and now, Jonas.


Paragraph #3: Thematic Analysis Continued

Topic Sentence (T): Knowledge is very important but, not many people in Jonas’s community have it.

Explanatory Sentence (E): In this utopia, only a small amount of people have knowledge. Most just follow the rules given to them.

Evidence (E): On page 78, in the Giver, Lois Lowry, “And punishment for disobedience-”

Analysis (A): This shows that the community has to be obedient. They don’t have a choice to be truly free because they are obedient. There are so many rules to follow that nobody can let go.

Concluding/ Transition (C): Therefore many are not aware of being improsoned by rules.


Paragraph #4: Concluding Paragraph (ROC)

Reflection of Thesis (R): This society is not a utopia becuase the people are ignorant, they have no freedom of choice and the community is shut out and locked away in this world they call a utopia, which it is not.

Concluding Sentence– Comparisons and Connections (C): A utopia is a place where everybody knows the truth, where the truth is happiness, where everybody is held at the same standard. In Jonas’s community none of these things are relevant in his world. They are kept ignorant and don’t know what the penalties are for being different. This is a community where people are brainwashed and told to be obedient to the endless rules. This world is far from a perfect, infact it is simply a fantasy image.

Art Value Chart


This is my value chart. It looks better in person just so you know. I used different pencils and techniques for each row. The first is called Hatching, The second is Cross Hatching, The third is Stippling and the fourth is random marks, in my case, the Kaya Scribble.

Math Profile by Kaya Karpati

Where my story begins is far before 7th grade… well not that far.


My first disaster was in fourth grade, I was being quizzed on multiplication, the sheet was barely colored in which meant I did not know my stuff. Everybody was passing before you could say “supercalifragilistic”. But I was different, by the time you are done singing the national anthem I was half way through.  Then 5th grade came up to bat. I sat in math class wondering how I was gonna go through this. Dont get me wrong, Ana is a marvelous teacher but I was a lousy student. Luckily, (or not) the year went quick and 6th grade wanting a piece of me too (Great ? ). Let’s be honest here, Margaret scared the beejezuz out of me every math class. The worst moment I remember is when Margaret said, “INI, MINI, MINY… KAYA”, and yes that happened, my reaction in my head was sort of like, “OH MY GAWD, WHAT?!, WAS THAT MY NAME?!!!!!!! ? ? “. Even though Margaret scared me to death, I still think she was a pretty fantabulous teacher. After that I washed up onto the shore of 7th grade island.

Summer Reading

Image result for murder on the orient expressImage result for the odysseyImage result for narnia book  the magicians nephew

  2. This was my favorite book that I read this summer
  3. My favorite part was at the end when the murderer was found and told Poirot why they murdered who they murdered
  4. Poirot travels the most throughout the book
  5. I really liked this book because it always kept me on the edge of my seat


The creeping trees

Trees reach up and up,

Until they touch the  gray sky,

they will keep reaching.


The hoof of a horse


Hooves fly

over the ground

and through the forest


Wind flys through the air,

unseen and mysterious,

it will blow you away.

For both poems the inspiration was nature. The first one, “the creeping trees” is a haiku. For a haiku the first line is five syllables then seven then five again. Well I think there is a little bit of imagery, line breaks and rhythm. I am okay how my poems turned out. I proud because I think that they are simple and short but also represent something.

Science bubbles

I made a bubble map including all the body systems. Mine was the skeletal system. I think my bubble map is unique because it has the obvious go to, the human body. I think this is really unique because it is the obvious. I learned the most from the circulatory and I loved listening to there presentation.

Fugitive Landlord And His Men Kill Young Man Named Hamir

Breaking News! Recently in Yazman, a young man named Hamir was killed by his landlord, Nazir Mohammad. We have interviewed Hamir’s mother and younger brother and the family that he was betrothed to.

The story is that Nazir Mohammad and his men saw Phulan and Shabanu and tried to take them. They were said to throw water pots at them to fend them off. Onlookers reported that this made Nazir Mohammad very angry. Shabanu and Phulan then ran for their lives, and talked to their mother.

Quickly, the family left in anxiety. Only Dalil Abassi stayed back. When they told the story to Hamir, he quickly became angry that Nazir Mohammad had dared to insult the girl he was betrothed to. He took to violence. Then Nazir and his men came in a jeep. Nazir was drunk, when he saw Hamir he told his men to shoot him. When Hamir was down a few seconds later, they shot him down once more. Murad and Abassi carried his body back to the hut. There they met Bibi Lal who was crying. She was inside the hut while it happened and she said she heard the gun shots. The men splashed water on Hamir but it would not work. They took off their turbans and wiped the blood of him. Behind them they heard Nazir’s jeep driving away. All of them knew they could not do anything. They knew Hamir was dead.

Dalil Abbasi and Murad carried the body back to Hamir’s hut. His mother, Bibi-Lal was devastated. What a terrible turn of events, here in Yazman. Rangers are keeping an eye out for Nazir Mohammad and his posse.