Stella and Kaya’s Tessellation

This is our tessellation. I had a lot of fun doing this project because it did not really feel like math even though it was basically all problem solving.  I cannot really put my finger on it, but I just really liked this lesson. One of the things i liked about this was that there was not just one right answer like in addition, multiplication, and subtraction. I felt the creative and artistic blend that gave me like a good feeling while I was doing this, so I think it turned out to be a very positive lesson.

Our tesselation
Our tesselation

Board of Graphs




B has different graphs and the one on top matches the one on the bottom I am not sure about. C has a lot of graphs compared to B. A has two of  the same graphs and one different.

Story A. had 3 graphs

Story B. had 2 graphs

Story C. had 5 graphs