Mathematical Similarity Summary

Figures are mathematically similar if they share a scale factor or if there is a ratio between them.

Any two rectangles are similar?

False, If there is a 1×2 and a 1×3 then

I know this pic is backwards but it says that because there is no scale factor the rectangles are NOT similar.
I know this pic is backwards but it says “because there is no scale factor the rectangles are NOT similar.”

Math Profile by Kaya Karpati

Where my story begins is far before 7th grade… well not that far.


My first disaster was in fourth grade, I was being quizzed on multiplication, the sheet was barely colored in which meant I did not know my stuff. Everybody was passing before you could say “supercalifragilistic”. But I was different, by the time you are done singing the national anthem I was half way through.  Then 5th grade came up to bat. I sat in math class wondering how I was gonna go through this. Dont get me wrong, Ana is a marvelous teacher but I was a lousy student. Luckily, (or not) the year went quick and 6th grade wanting a piece of me too (Great ? ). Let’s be honest here, Margaret scared the beejezuz out of me every math class. The worst moment I remember is when Margaret said, “INI, MINI, MINY… KAYA”, and yes that happened, my reaction in my head was sort of like, “OH MY GAWD, WHAT?!, WAS THAT MY NAME?!!!!!!! ? ? “. Even though Margaret scared me to death, I still think she was a pretty fantabulous teacher. After that I washed up onto the shore of 7th grade island.