French Dream House

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This is my dream house. In French class we were asked to find our dream house and label rooms. We used BAG adjectives, they explain what our rooms were like, (long, short, big, small, etc.) I learned lots of new names of rooms in French and how the people of France live. I loved labeling the rooms because there were so many, here, in Castle of Kaya. It was a lot of fun doing this project and it looked better then I expected to. This was a great project and it was something that I really enjoyed. One note is that next time, if there is a next time we should have a little more time to do it. 🙂

Update on Arms and Armor

Last weeks guild meeting:

I did a tutorial on chain mail. I taught everyone how to make chain links and connect them. We learned how to make chain mail squares and rows. I disconnected my long line of chain mail and started to make a square which I later had problems with. The overall guild meeting was really fun though.

Xtramath Score

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I like working on Xtramath on a device where you dont have to type. I rather press the numbers with my fingers so that I dont press the wrong thing. It is really hard to type in the numbers on a computer or click the answers.

Beowulf Annotations

This quarter we read Beowulf and we also annotated it.  We circled words we did not know and then looked them up. We underlined important parts of the book. Last, we wrote chapter summary. A chapter summary is when we put one or more info about the chapter we read to explain it. Annotating is important because when you want to find something important instead of  scanning through the whole book you can just look at the summary. I think my chapter summary is really helpful for looking back on and I am proud of how I wrote them. I want to improve on annotating because when I circle a word I want to keep reading and I dont want to look up the word.