String Muir Web

The string web was really interesting. We all picked a piece of paper with a location and food. For Example, If I picked a cow I would have to find the envirement, and the what it consumes. When everyone was done going around the room and finding there resources they sat in the middle of the room. Someone, for example, grass, could have said cow and I would get the string it went all around and created a web. It was really cool to see how the smallest things could connect to so much. I really liked this.




Structures fit Functions


What is the difference between bird bones and human bones? Have you ever wondered how the shape of a bone can affect the function? Did you think it did not make a difference? If so then you are wrong. The shape of bird bones and human bones are very important because humans and birds are very different and the bones have to work as an advantage for those differences, For Example:

A bird’s bone is hollow  for a lot of reasons, such as:

The bird needs to have a limited amount of weight so it can fly, if the bone wasn’t hollow it wouldn’t be able to fly. Flying benefits the bird for many different reasons. One of them is that they don’t have to worry about the land predators as much as the air predators. Smaller birds fly away fast and attack the predator if it is going for the nest.

The bird bone is hollow but human bones are not.  The outside layer is dense, a tough outer layer. The next layer is spongy bone and after that is marrow. That combination makes human bones. Our bones aren’t only for holding us up though, our bones do many things. Our bones are used for storage of blood cells, and fatty acids. Our bones also help us move. And they help protect some of our internal organs, like our ribs help protect our heart.

Discovery Day

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Oswald roaring at the crowd, Blowing whistles and stealing fish out of the trainers pocket. Doing flips over the water and getting splashed was fun but you would expect more water. Spongebob 4D movie, water soaked us there and tickled our shins.  Oswald through the frisbee back and forth to his trainer. Screen Shot 2015-06-02 at 2.58.23 PM


Screen Shot 2014-10-09 at 9.03.31 AMMy Atom resembles James Chadwick because of the cylinders on the rings and a cylinder in the middle.

This is how I imagine an Atom. I imagine two ring like shapes, Cylinders, both blue and red. I do not know why I think this is an Atom, I just know I do. The challenging thing was turning the grey ring to fit. The exciting thing was finishing the project because I can feel good about my project and admire it, although it is not perfect I have to be proud.

My inaccuracy is that i only have one cylinder and my acurracy is the cylinders on the ring.