Arabian Night’s Story

Revision: For me Revision means to look through your piece and find bland sentences. For Example: ” Sara went to the Taco Truck. ”

For Example: ” Sara went to a green taco truck. The men inside had deep Spanish accents and were wearing sombreros. The pavement was wet from the rain. I reached out for the taco. The warm tortilla smelled fresh. The meat inside was steaming. etc…”



Math: How I solve the Problem

Problem #1:  40 = 20% x ?

  1.  20 ÷ 40 =
  2. 20 ÷ 40 = 200


Problem #2:  8.5 x $500.00 = ?

  1.  500 x 8.5 =
  2. 500 x 8.5 = 42.5

Problem #3: 18 = ?% x 150 ?

  1. 150 ÷ 18 =
  2. 150 ÷ 18 = 83 . 3%


Problem #1:

Addison and Tom go to the pet store, there are 40 pets on display, they ask the employee how many there are but he does not know and on,y says the 40 pets are only 20% of how many they have. How will Addison and Tom figure it out?

Problem #2:

Marie asks her mom how much a laptop is. Her mom says multiply $500.00 by 8.5. How will Marie figure it out?


Ally is in math class and the problem on the board is 18 = 8.33% x 150. How will Ally figure it out?