IMG_3411IMG_3412IMG_3367IMG_3368IMG_3374image1image3image2IMG_3536IMG_3537IMG_3535It was very hard to choose which book was my favorite, my top three were:  The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin, A Tree Grows In Brooklyn by Betty Smith, and Jeffersons Sons by Kimberly B.B.


I love The Westing Game  for the mystery, strenuous intense adventures, the characters who would do anything to win the will, and the writing which will last through time and time again.

I love A Tree Grows In Brooklyn because it shows you how hard it was to live in the early 20th century.  It shows challenges from getting money & food, to deciding what job to get, to how to escape this group of  thugs.  It is an amazing novel of historical fiction that was written so well that you bask in they glory and cry with them.  Notes: they have to go out and sell scraps for coins, they have a money bank made of a can, they have no garnet for food in a day, their father only works every once in a while, the father is a singing waiter, mother cleans houses, children go to school and work stand up jobs.




The book Jeffersons Sons is a view of life in the eyes of the Hemings children.  Being the children of the slave Sally Hemings and the president Thomas Jefferson does not make it easy for them, for they are still slaves, and when they get free, they will have to change their name incase of disgrace.  The book appealed to me because I love history and this book is history based, but does not feel like a lecture.  You get to know the characters inside and out, their troubles, worries and feelings.

