Month: April 2015

my tesolation


This is my tesolation.  In the beginning of the third quarter  we started to learn about polygons.  I started by, doing was dragging stuff like lines and then connecting them, with correct angle  numbers and then copying them into the saved shapes toolbar.  The shapes I used for this one, are hexagon and triangle.  I ended up making stars of David and in the end, a big hexagon.




This piece was just a random work that I made.  I thought that it sounded rough but mellow I learned that everything is made out of differences, so I made this song to recognize that.  There are so many differences; sun and rain; dry and wet; liquid and solid; alive and dead; night and day; hungry and full etc.  This music is exposed to tell a story:  The sun falls out of the sky in the A measure but then it plops in the swimming pool and starts to have a fight but then calms down, section B.  Then the sun is trying to go and it finally goes with a loud bang and, goes back up into the sky in section C.  I got the story Idea from peter and the wolf.  The end is like  a clock that signals the time for them to meet again.

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