How has your essential question changed throughout the 6 weeks? What did you expect to learn and how does that compare to what you did learn? How do you anticipate[…]
Category: Writing
Ruthie’s CR #6
My Essential Question is how does an out of practice writer become an active, disciplined writer? I think that my Essential Question was changed to now focus more on how[…]
Anna Mueller – Final CR
How has your essential question changed throughout the 6 weeks? What did you expect to learn and how does that compare to what you did learn? How do you anticipate this experience[…]
Oscar Chun Focused Writing CR #6
Throughout my 7 weeks, my essential question has been the same. However I never really thought about my essential question. It honestly wasn’t a big part of my project. Still,[…]
Poetry: May 17
May 17: It’s strange to reflect. I can’t remember April very well. When I was compiling all the poems I had written for this project, some of them seemed to[…]
Oscar Chun Focused Writing Week 6 May.11- May. 17
I have gotten so much done with this senior project. I finished 5 chapters of a story which is something I had never been able to do. I learned so[…]
Hanna Provost– Week 6 Blog Post (#14)
Anna and I have decided to create a moment where deliveries across the US stop, so they have to stop sending each other letters. Because of this, they start emailing[…]
Hanna Provost– Week 5 Blog Post (#12)
This week in my journal, my character’s father catches the virus and is hospitalized. Astrid (my character) is unable to see him, not only because it would be dangerous to[…]
Hanna Provost– CR #5
What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. Throughout the Senior Project process, I think[…]
Hanna Provost– CR #4
*in response to a text* I decided to take two different routes to answer my essential question. First I read a book called Go Ask Alice, which I wrote[…]
Ruthie’s CR #5
My Essential Question is how does an out of practice writer become an active, disciplined writer? One thing that I’ve started doing that really helped me in the beginning was[…]
Anna Mueller – Blog Post #8: Character Communication
Up until yesterday, the way in which Astrid (Hanna’s character) and Natalie (my character) communicated was by sending letters back-and-forth. However, we recently shifted to email communication as it would[…]
Oscar Chun Focused Writing CR#5
Within my process of thinking, I realized that writing is a large part of my self-doubt. Whenever I wrote a story or something, I would always look at how I[…]
Anna Mueller – CR #5
Prompt: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. Throughout my Senior Project Experience,[…]
Poetry- May 12
May 12: I never wrote short poems, generally. They always looked limp to me, like the poem ends out of my own laziness. Even in this project, most poems last[…]
Ruthie Week 5: Blog #8
As my Senior Project experience is winding down, I’m finding it harder and harder to write. The motivation has been ebbing away, and now there is virtually little to none[…]
Oscar Chun Focused Writing Week #5 May 4- May 10
Chapter 5 is now complete and I am onto chapter 6. Taking a different point of view from the main characters was interesting since I was able to learn more[…]
Foster Hudson CR #4
Essential Question: How can I express the last four years of my life through poetry? I’ve learned that it’s not a chronology. I think I went into this project[…]
Anna Mueller – Blog Post #7: Character Conflict
I wasn’t able to come up with a solid conflict for my character until this week. I began the project with the assumption that both my character and Hanna’s character[…]
Peter Mamaev senior project update 5/7
5/7/2020 I must say, after a somewhat hectic and discouraging week last week, I think I’m getting to a better place. I am almost done with the pen section of[…]
Peter Mamaev senior project update 5/4
5/4/2020 It has been hell rewriting those pages. I have in fact ultimately redone them six times over, and now they are finally, miraculously, in a place where they hit[…]
Peter Mamaev critical reflection #4
One of my favorite things about this project is the opportunity it provides for growth in both artistic and writing directions. For writing, I have chosen Joseph Heller’s Catch-22, while[…]
Ruthie’s CR #4
My Essential Question is how does an out of practice writer become an active, disciplined writer? I think that my essential question should change to something regarding how negative circumstances[…]
Oscar Chun Focused Writing CR 4#
During my research in my essential question, I have been looking through many different resources to learn more about the process of writing. I have found that while online[…]
Anna Mueller – Blog Post #6: Internal vs. External Conflict
In order to differentiate between Hanna’s character’s story and my character’s story, I think it’s crucial to closely examine the conflict that our characters will face. While it was mostly[…]
Anna Mueller – CR #4
*this CR is in response to the prompt about my essential question* I’ve just started my fifth week of senior project work and I’m definitely making progress towards answering[…]
Hanna Provost– Week 4 Blog Post (#10)
Earlier this week, Anna and I wrote another letter back and forth between our characters. I found writing the first letter easy, because my character started the conversation so I[…]
Hanna Provost– CR #3
What have you learned that begins to answer your essential question? Essential Question: How are stories changed based on the perspectives from which they are told? Throughout the course of[…]
Ruthie Week 4: Blog #7
This week has gone a little better. I’ve mainly focused on revisions of my early pieces. I have found that I need to be in an editing mindset rather than[…]
Foster CR #3
Essential Question: How can I express the last four years of my life through poetry? Every once in a while I will get a question about influence. It’s a[…]
Oscar Chun Focused Writing Week 4 Apr. 27- May. 3
I was able to finish chapter 4, and now I am onto chapter 5. For this chapter, I decided to take a different perspective. In chapter 5, the reader will[…]
Peter Mamaev senior project update 4/30
4/30/2020 We are steadily approaching the endgame, and I just mass sent two final emails to my interviewees – artists Eric Gapstur and Emily Pearson. These two are actually interesting[…]
Poetry: April 29
April 29: Over the past couple days I have written the same poem many times. Or more accurately, the same three verses many times. One or two images threatened to[…]
Ruthie’s CR #3
My essential question is how does an out of practice writer become an active, disciplined writer? Before Senior Project I read a book that a librarian friend from outside of[…]
Peter Mamaev senior project update 4/27
4/27/2020 Cry havoc, and let loose the mass emails of war. Well not really, I’m only interviewing like two more people. Regardless, while my first contact Jed McPherson was a[…]
Peter Mamaev Critical Reflection #3
With my interviews going reasonably well, and the art of my comic being reasonably satisfactory in its current form, the next problem to tackle was time. Time management is an[…]
Oscar Chun Focused Writing CR 3#
It is not exactly a piece of writing more of an interview I read about the process of writing. The person being interviewed was Alexander Chee and his process of[…]
Hanna Provost– Week 3 Blog Post (#8)
To get more information on how to write a realistic story through journal entries, I wanted to do more research on other books that do something similar to what I’m[…]
Hanna Provost– CR #2
Essential Question: How are stories changed based on the perspectives from which they are told? Something that I’ve found really hard to do while writing my journal entries is[…]
Anna Mueller – Blog Post 5: Style of Fictional Journal Writing
As I’ve been writing journal entries as my character, I haven’t given too much thought to the actual language I use, especially given the fact that in some way my[…]
Anna Mueller – CR #3
*this CR is in response to the prompt about a reference text* I’m currently reading a novel that features letters, so I think I’m starting to make some conclusions[…]
Ruthie Week 2: Blog #6
I’m very nervous about sharing my most recent stories with my cohort. I know that the space is safe but I’m just not as confident about these stories as I[…]
Ruthie Week 3: Blog #5
This week has been hard trying to get myself to write. I have tried to set up a space for myself but it has been very hard sticking to only[…]
Oscar Chun Focused Writing Week 3
I have currently finished chapter 3. With chapter 4 I wanted to try something different. With this new chapter, I will be trying a close third-person narrative. So far it[…]
Poetry: April 25
April 25: Up until now–now being now, this very moment of now–I had heard many times, but never paid attention to, the saying that “writing is re-writing.” Sure my first[…]
Foster Hudson CR #2
Essential Question: How can I express the last four years of my life through poetry? I have learned that to write is to practice empathy. In writing, you assume[…]
Peter Mamaev graphic novel update 4/24
4/24/2020 I got ink! Well, India ink to be exact, which I will use for backgrounds. While it is a material that I have experimented with in the past, it[…]
Poetry: April 22
April 22: As of this moment, my typewriter has run out of ink. The superstitious part of me says that if I leave it be for a couple days, it[…]
Oscar Chun CR #2
A particular moment in my senior project experience is after I had finished chapter three in my novel The Bad Roll. A was very proud of my work and what[…]
Peter Mamaev graphic novel update 4/20
4/20/2020 There is a new threat on the horizon, and that threat is an unfinalized draft. In my time writing I have realized the way that works best for me[…]