Julia CR #3

Theres two facets that address each part of my essential question separately. The reason being that going through the process of designing a whole building sustainably is not where my[…]

Elisabeth CR 3

Elisabeth CR 3 2/28/20 Writing on your essential question: What have you learned about your essential question so far? What further questions do you have? and/or Has your essential question[…]

Week 3

  This week i got a lot of work done, I glued the fret board onto the the neck. The fret board blank I was using was oversize and not[…]

Jaquie’s CR #3

Before the COVID-19 breakout, my essential question was to look into the different structures of the healthcare system in NY to help find a solution to make our healthcare system[…]

Julia Week 3: Blog #2

This week textbook work wasn’t too exciting so I’ll opt out of talking about it for this blog post. Research, however, has been weirdly engulfing. I found good sources on[…]

CR 2

Going into the project my essential question has been Does using hand tools and traditional woodworking methods to make a bass create a strong artistic connection between me and the[…]

Ari Cer 1

My essential question is, How can I learn to tell a story that is successful and authentic through the median of film and photography? So far in answering my essential[…]

Ari Week 3

This week after focusing some much on the videography of my project I tried using photography as the other key component in visual storytelling. Not only is this an unprecedented[…]

Pierre’s Fifth Blog Post

For Wednesday and Thursday classes, I was given a practice challenge that would incorporate all of my prior learning. The prompt was this, “You work for an online bookstore that[…]

Julia CR #2

I’ve spent a lot of time these past few weeks willing the pandemic to slowly ebb. I’m not suffering as much as others, but most of the time is spent[…]

Nika’s CR #2

One aspect I looked at this week is feedback in our lives, more specifically, feedback in the workplace. My goal was to understand why we are so hesitant to give[…]

Nika’s Blog #4

There are many ways in which organizations try to get feedback, but developing a culture of asking for feedback may be the most cost-effective way to develop healthy work cultures.[…]

Nika’s Blog #3

I met with my mentor and we talked about my previous weekly assignment, then she gave me my new weekly assignment which focused on feedback. I looked at how feedback[…]

Pierre Fourth Blog Post

I started this week by finishing the printing review. Large data sets and Excel’s unique layout make printing more challenging than you would think. As I begin to wrap up[…]

Jaquie’s CR #2

EQ: How are various healthcare facilities around the world dealing with COVID-19, and how can understanding this help make the healthcare system more fair and equitable for all? Due to[…]

Ari Week 2

This week I began writing interview questions that I will be asking specific demographics of people. These questions are all geared towards my own personal experiences of this pandemic and[…]

work days 7- 9

I am starting to get  close to the end of building this neck i used a saw rasp to get the neck to first the right thickness then to the[…]

4/18 Reflection Elisabeth

Since Tuesday I’ve spent most of my time baking. I made pizza, pita, and baguettes. They turned out pretty well, except I rolled the baguettes too small so they’re kind[…]

Julia Week 2: Blog #1

I finished that small design project. I solved for what I could, and figured out the basics for what I couldn’t. Turns out, the majority of the work in terms[…]

Elisabeth Reflection 4/15

This week I’ve focused on bread making. I researched how yeast works and various chemical reactions that go on within bread like the maillard reaction. I also started the second[…]

Jaquie’s post #3

I am starting to put a list of people together from around the world as well as people within the United States to talk about their experience/impact of COVID-19 –[…]

CR 1

My essential question is Does using hand tools and traditional woodworking methods to make a bass create a strong artistic connection between me and the instrument?  Ever since I was[…]

Julia CR #1

I know the big general concept of sustainability. I’ve heard them repeated to me over and over again, whether it be at home, school, or on the news. I know[…]

Nika’s CR #1

What practices are in place at an efficient workplace? This week I worked on creating a culture-specific manual in order to help new employees get integrated into a company that[…]

Jaquie’s CR #1

For my senior project, my essential question is focused on the healthcare system and how COVID-19 is taking a toll; my goal is to come up with a solution to[…]

Work day 3-6

On day three of my project, I worked on making the volume knobs out of the same wood I was using for the neck of the bass. I started with[…]

Nika’s Blog #2

The second part of my weekly assignment was to compare feedback from the 2019 survey and the 2020 survey. I spent this time going over each new employees onboarding process[…]

Julia Week 1: Blog #2

I feel like the first few days were just me getting everything together. These last couple of days have really picked up the pace. I figure this is gonna be[…]

Julia Week 1: Blog #1

My project has two components, a design piece and a research piece. The first relies heavily on a textbook, which has prompts at the end of every chapter. The first[…]

Nika’s Blog #1

For the first part of my weekly assignment, I worked on onboarding at a company. The onboarding process helps a company develop a happy contributor and coworker who will work[…]

Max Zinman: Update 4/11

While this was a weird week for me, since my senior project largely revolves around the LREI schedule and school was closed on Thursday and Friday, I was still able[…]