Sophie SF’s CR #6

My essential question is, how does a non-profit organization develop and implement a sustainable solution to global hunger and poverty? Over the past 6 weeks, my experience interning at The[…]

Sophie SF CR#5

How does a non-profit organization implement a sustainable solution to global hunger and poverty? Since I have been interning at The Hunger Project remotely, I have sometimes found it difficult[…]

Update #7: Sophie SF

This past week during my Senior Project, I had the opportunity to interview several Hunger Project investors and staff to learn about what keeps them engaged. I also wanted to[…]

Sophie SF CR#4

My essential question is, how does a non-profit organization implement a sustainable solution to ending hunger and poverty worldwide? The first source I read was a recently published article on[…]

Update #6: Sophie SF

This past week during my internship I have continued creating a comprehensive online booklet for future Hunger Project interns and employees. My main focus for this week was researching The[…]

Sophie SF’s CR#3

My essential question is, how does a non-profit organization implement a sustainable solution to global hunger and poverty? Even though my internship with The Hunger Project is remote, I have[…]

Update #5: Sophie SF

This week, I have continued creating a comprehensive orientation platform for future interns and employees at The Hunger Project. Since my Senior Project is focused on examining the various strategies[…]

Sophie SF’s CR #2

My essential question is, how does a non-profit organization develop and implement a sustainable solution to global hunger and poverty? One significant learning experience during my internship last week was[…]

Update #4: Sophie SF

This past week at my internship has been super interesting because I finally received my first major project. My task is to create a comprehensive and interactive google form that[…]

Update #3: Sophie SF

On Tuesday, I had the chance to observe another weekly Leadership Team Meeting at The Hunger Project (THP). The meeting consisted of a group of long-time THP investors and fundraisers.[…]

Sophie SF’s CR#1

My essential question is, how does a non-profit organization develop and implement a sustainable solution to global hunger and poverty? Coming into my internship, I was already familiar with how[…]

Update #2: Sophie SF

On Thursday (4/9), I had the chance to observe a webinar focused on how The Hunger Project’s programs in East Africa and India are responding to the COVID-19 crisis. During[…]

Update #1: Sophie SF

This week, I started my remote internship with The Hunger Project (THP), a strategic, non-profit organization that works to end chronic hunger and extreme poverty by launching sustainable, grassroots, women-centered[…]