Olivia CR #6

Since the Covid-19 epidemic and Stay at Home orders has affected your original plan for your Senior Project Experience, please reflect on your current essential question. Some general helpful prompts[…]

Olivia CR #5

EQ: What makes a successful advertisement?  SQ: What influence does advertising have on our culture? How does our culture influence advertising What have you discovered about your process, your habits?[…]

Olivia CR #3

EQ: What makes a successful advertisement?  SQ: What influence does advertising have on our culture? How does our culture influence advertising?  Writing on your essential question: What have you learned[…]

Olivia CR #1

EQ: What makes a successful advertisement?  SQ: What influence does advertising have on our culture? How does our culture influence advertising?  So far in my Senior Project journey, I have[…]

Olivia’s Senior Project Proposal

Project name: The Art of Advertising EQ:  What makes a successful advertisement?  SQ: What is the relationship between advertising and its cultural climate?  How are advertising and marketing changing with[…]