Since the Covid-19 epidemic and Stay at Home orders has affected your original plan for your Senior Project Experience, please reflect on your current essential question. Some general helpful prompts[…]
Author: Olivia
Olivia CR #5
EQ: What makes a successful advertisement? SQ: What influence does advertising have on our culture? How does our culture influence advertising What have you discovered about your process, your habits?[…]
Olivia Week Five: Blog Post #6
Today I thought that I would take the time to re-cap on what I have learned from the Coursera classes I have taken so far. My course is affiliated with[…]
Olivia Week Four: Blog post #5
This week my project really started to come together. I organized my notes, mainly focusing on extracting the main ideas. Doing so helped me identify which parts of my notes[…]
Olivia CR#4: Creating Commercials During a Pandemic
As a whole, my project is centered around advertising. Specifically, my essential question aims to investigate what makes a successful advertisement, along with what constitutes that success. To me, this[…]
Olivia CR #3
EQ: What makes a successful advertisement? SQ: What influence does advertising have on our culture? How does our culture influence advertising? Writing on your essential question: What have you learned[…]
Olivia Week Three Blog post #4: A Look Into Carl’s Jr. Infamous Burger Commercials
A large part of answering my essential question: What makes a successful advertisement? has been looking at what actually doesn’t make an advertisement successful. This week I studied Carls Jr.[…]
Olivia Week Two: Blog post #3
Interviewing: Today, I got to sit down with my mom and interview her. She has worked in advertising (the premise of my project) for over 15 years now, so she[…]
Olivia CR #1
EQ: What makes a successful advertisement? SQ: What influence does advertising have on our culture? How does our culture influence advertising? So far in my Senior Project journey, I have[…]
Olivia Week One: Blog post #2
This week, I spent the majority of my time conducting research and getting comfortable with my topic. On the first day, I worked on writing interview questions for potential interviewees[…]
Olivia’s Senior Project Proposal
Project name: The Art of Advertising EQ: What makes a successful advertisement? SQ: What is the relationship between advertising and its cultural climate? How are advertising and marketing changing with[…]