Nika’s CR #6

My essential question is what practices are in places at a successful workplace? I wanted to work in a professional environment to see how a company functioned. I was also[…]

Nika’s Blog #8

This is my final weekly assignment. It was about internal communication. Internal communications is all about promoting effective communications among people within an organization. It involves producing and delivering messages[…]

Nika’s Blog #7

This week I learned about benefits and the importance of having benefits and rewards in business. One of the things that I was given to think and read about was[…]

Nika’s Blog #6

This week I worked on setting goals. Some of the things that I learned are that goals trigger behavior. Having a clear, compelling goal mobilizes your focus toward actionable behavior.[…]

Nika’s CR #5

One of the things that I have learned through my senior project is the need for structure and outside motivation. At first I thought it would be great to have[…]

Nika’s CR #4

I watched a Ted Talk by Dan Airely about behavioral economics. He starts off by saying that in the US, we spend between seven and eight hundred million dollars a[…]

Nika’s CR #3

This week I talked to my mentor about my essential question during our half way feedback session. I came to the conclusion, with the help of Tom’s guidance and talking[…]

Blog Post #5

This week I worked on the importance of mentoring and trying to create a mentoring program. There are two options for a mentoring program. One way is to choose a[…]

Nika’s CR #2

One aspect I looked at this week is feedback in our lives, more specifically, feedback in the workplace. My goal was to understand why we are so hesitant to give[…]

Nika’s Blog #4

There are many ways in which organizations try to get feedback, but developing a culture of asking for feedback may be the most cost-effective way to develop healthy work cultures.[…]

Nika’s Blog #3

I met with my mentor and we talked about my previous weekly assignment, then she gave me my new weekly assignment which focused on feedback. I looked at how feedback[…]

Nika’s CR #1

What practices are in place at an efficient workplace? This week I worked on creating a culture-specific manual in order to help new employees get integrated into a company that[…]

Nika’s Blog #2

The second part of my weekly assignment was to compare feedback from the 2019 survey and the 2020 survey. I spent this time going over each new employees onboarding process[…]

Nika’s Blog #1

For the first part of my weekly assignment, I worked on onboarding at a company. The onboarding process helps a company develop a happy contributor and coworker who will work[…]