Mawena- CR 6

I’ve learned a lot over the course of my senior project. My essential was: how can I best learn Twi, and how are language and culture connected. My plan was[…]

Mawena- Paralanguage

Language and culture are intertwined because when you learn a language, you have to learn customs and practices, in addition to learning the alphabet, words, and grammar. One thing that[…]

Mawena- Pronunciation

In Twi, proper pronunciation of words is extremely important. Tones vary from word to word, and like many languages, the way that one says a word can have more meaning[…]

Mawena- CR 5

Over the course of my senior project so far, I’ve learned quite a bit about myself. I’m more productive when I set aside a time to work everyday, and stick[…]

Mawena- CR 3

One of the challenges I’ve faced so far is finding the motivation to learn Twi for four hours everyday. While I enjoy learning languages, doing it for four hours everyday[…]

Mawena- CR 2

When I was younger, I always wanted to have a secret language with my siblings that my parents couldn’t understand. I thought that it would be so cool to be[…]

“When a language dies, a way of understanding the world dies with it. A way of looking at the world.” -George Steiner