CR#5 Jonathan Z

Over the Course of Senior Project I’ve learned that for me as a student I need structure, and that I work really well with it. So much so that I’ve[…]

CR #4 Jonathan Z

Connect to outside sources (article/book/podcast/ted talk/blog/website/etc) [CR4] The outside sources that I have been using have consisted of 3 books & several Master Classes taught by world renowned professionals from billionaire[…]

Jonathan Post #6

For the ladder half of this week I spent my time watching & listening to a bunch of Master Classes. – The screen time is killing me. – Well, really[…]

Jonathan Post #5

Business Documents – For this week I mainly spent my time figuring out how I was going to piece together my final project. I originally planed to not only create[…]

CR #1 Jonathan Z.

Critical Reflection #1 – Jonathan Ziebarth  For my critical response I will be reflecting on a passage from the book I am currently reading, Zero To One, By Peter Thiel[…]