Going into a senior project I had a lot of preconceived notions of wellness. I knew that the word itself meant some state of health beyond physical health, but I[…]
Author: Jane
Jane Olsen Post #8 Wellness Exploration
Recently I have been thinking more about how to maximize the wellness of those around me, as this is an important part of my essential question. Through the research I[…]
Jane Olsen CR #5 – Metacognition
A large part of my project has been about exploring myself and my habits and how I can improve them to improve my wellness, so in theory I have been[…]
Jane Olsen Post #7 Wellness Exploration
I just finished watching the Heal documentary on Netflix. I knew nothing about it before beginning, only that it showed up when I searched wellness and seemed interesting. The film[…]
Jane Olsen CR#4
My theme for this week is occupation, finances and how they relate to one’s wellness. The first source that I read about the dimensions of wellness included subjects such as[…]
Jane Olsen Post #6 Wellness Exploration
Two significant things I experienced this week were watching The Pursuit of Happyness movie with Will Smith, and attending a vedic meditation intro talk. The movie made me feel extremely[…]
Jane Olsen CR#3
My theme for the week is how other cultures and countries approach wellness. This is in relation to my essential question: what is wellness and how can I maximize the[…]
Jane Olsen Post #5 Wellness Exploration
Today as a part of my weekly theme of exercise, I watched youtube videos about runners (and non runners) processes to prepare for and eventually run marathons. I began watching[…]
Jane Olsen CR #2 – exercise
This week my theme is exercise and how it relates to my essential question (what is wellness and how can I maximize the wellness of myself and others). I began[…]
Jane Olsen Post #4 Wellness Exploration
During my week focused on nutrition and food, I have also come across the concept of intuitive eating. This practice, that many people claim is resistant to diet culture, promotes[…]
Jane Olsen Post #3 Wellness Exploration
This week my focus is on nutrition, diet, the emotions behind food and how this relates to wellness. One of my biggest takeaways after exploring this theme for some time[…]
Jane Olsen CR #1 – mindfulness
During this first week, I considered an underlying theme of mindfulness in relation to my essential question (What is wellness and how can I maximize the wellness of myself and[…]
Jane Olsen Post #2 Wellness Exploration
This first week I also spent a lot of time planning for the coming weeks of my project. I developed weekly themes focused on different dimensions of wellness and explored[…]
Jane Olsen Post #1 Wellness Exploration
This week I started the Coursera course on the Science of Wellbeing. As homework, this course has suggested practices I should implement into my weekly routine to build up my[…]
Jane’s Senior Project Proposal
Project Name: Wellness Exploration Essential Question What is wellness and how can I maximize my own wellness and the wellness of others? Statement of Definition For my[…]