Artist’s Statements: We agreed to take on the challenge of collaboration and cooperation, in order to bring our Senior Project idea to life. Throughout the duration of our project, Hanna[…]
Author: Hanna
Hanna Provost– Final CR
How has your essential question changed throughout the 6 weeks? What did you expect to learn and how does that compare to what you did learn? How do you anticipate[…]
Hanna Provost– Week 6 Blog Post (#14)
Anna and I have decided to create a moment where deliveries across the US stop, so they have to stop sending each other letters. Because of this, they start emailing[…]
Hanna Provost– Week 5 Blog Post (#12)
This week in my journal, my character’s father catches the virus and is hospitalized. Astrid (my character) is unable to see him, not only because it would be dangerous to[…]
Hanna Provost– CR #5
What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. Throughout the Senior Project process, I think[…]
Hanna Provost– CR #4
*in response to a text* I decided to take two different routes to answer my essential question. First I read a book called Go Ask Alice, which I wrote[…]
Hanna Provost– Week 4 Blog Post (#10)
Earlier this week, Anna and I wrote another letter back and forth between our characters. I found writing the first letter easy, because my character started the conversation so I[…]
Hanna Provost– CR #3
What have you learned that begins to answer your essential question? Essential Question: How are stories changed based on the perspectives from which they are told? Throughout the course of[…]
Hanna Provost– Week 3 Blog Post (#8)
To get more information on how to write a realistic story through journal entries, I wanted to do more research on other books that do something similar to what I’m[…]
Hanna Provost– CR #2
Essential Question: How are stories changed based on the perspectives from which they are told? Something that I’ve found really hard to do while writing my journal entries is[…]
Hanna Provost– Week 2 Post (#6)
This week Anna and I wrote our first letters back and forth each other’s characters. In our story, my character finds a note left by Anna’s asking someone to send[…]
Hanna Provost– Week 2 Post (#4)
After deciding the basics of our characters and plot, I wanted to do more research on what would happen if the pandemic was worse than it is at the moment.[…]
Hanna Provost– CR #1
So far, Anna and I have worked mostly on our own, not really communicating with each other after getting down the basics of what where we want our story to[…]
Hanna Provost — Blog Post #2
Something I wanted my character to be interested in was photography, since I originally wanted to do photography as my senior project but had to change it because of the[…]
Hanna Provost — Blog Post #1
I spent most of the first few days of Senior Project conducting character development exercises to figure out exactly who my character was. This was difficult for me largely because[…]