Critical Reflection 6

–> Critical Reflection #6 Assignment: Final Reflection [CR6] This reflection is an in-depth look back at the past 6 weeks in particular, but can also address aspects of Senior Project[…]

Blog Post 7

4/28 My visitors/“victims” are a group of college students, led by the impeccable Dani, whose family owns the house. I’m naming Dani after the main character in Ari Aster’s Midsommar,[…]

Blog Post 8

4/30 I’m newly interested in a gender aspect I haven’t considered: the dichotomy of the character’s quiet brutality with how she conducts herself. I wrote Dani to be near-perfect to[…]

Critical Reflection 3

–> Critical Reflection #3 Assignment: Now that you’re three weeks (half way) into your senior project experience, are you answering your essential question? (CR3) — Writing on your essential question:[…]

Critical Reflection 4

–> Critical Reflection #4 Assignment: Connect to outside sources (article/book/podcast/ted talk/blog/website/etc) [CR4] This is a Text investigation. Consider your essential question in the context of the 2 outside sources you[…]

Critical Reflection 5

–> Critical Reflection #5 Assignment: Metacognition [CR5] What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question.[…]

Blog Post 6

4/23 I’ve fleshed out the characters and plot a bit further. My setting is a mountain resort town, a kind I’m well acquainted with, both from visiting as a vacationer[…]

Critical Reflection 2

Describe a Moment and Analyze 4/22   Prompt: Critical Reflection #2 Assignment: Describe a moment and analyze (CR2) Write about a single experience or moment, and ask: how does this[…]

Blog Post 5

4/21 Nate and Kamara, who are in my cohort, are making a podcast where they watch and discuss movies. I’ve been listening to it, and I’ve found it very helpful.[…]

Blog Post 4

4/16 I’ve spent time further developing my storyline. My plot, loosely, is amateur home invaders attempting to rob a vacation home that appears to be vacated. I’m writing multiple home[…]

Critical Reflection 1

What I Know vs. What I Don’t Know 4/15 Prompt: As Confucius (and Socrates) said “True wisdom is knowing what you don’t know”, this assignment is asking for the story[…]

Blog Post 3

4/14 This week I started watching movies related to my project. I developed a tactic before trying this, which is to take notes while watching the movie, scribbling down points[…]

Blog Post 2

4/9 In my last blog post I talked about engaging with movies in certain genres that interest me. I have specific genres in mind: dramas, psychological thrillers, and the like.[…]

Blog Post 1

4/7 My essential question is relation to real-world observation & exploration, and how I can use fiction to indirectly examine what happens around me. That in itself spawns more questions:[…]