We recently started making hammer handles for the hammer heads that we will create when the forge is totally built. We have been using pieces of hickory that arlos father[…]
Author: Ciro
I am an eighth grader at Lrei and I am currently working with two wonderful classmates of mine on a project surrounding the environment and the pollution of waterways. The reason why I chose to work with environment and specifically the waterways because from earlier times I have been really interested in marine biololoy and I wanted to see a different perspective on the way that people care about the environment and the organisms in it.
Update #2
Recently, we have been working to modify and refurbish the old forge blower that was given to us. We have done this by scraping off all the thick sooty residue[…]
Update #1
As of now we are continuing work on the forge structure. Specifically, we have dug and poured the concrete anchors that will hold the posts for our roof. We have[…]