CR #4

This week, I made a lot of progress. Yesterday I spent 4 hours working on my project. I met with a friend of mines’ sibling who works with logic constantly. He helped me work out a few kinks. Unfortunately, I’m still having an incredible amount of trouble with the drums. No matter what I do they will not sync with the song. I’ve tried everything. It sounds like the only thing I’ll be able to do to fix it now is to re-record the piano piece which is just so annoying but it must be done I guess. I have 2 more of the guitar sections down and I just need to edit them and maybe do a little extra recording over them for more effect. I was hoping to get this done before the end of this week but that is obviously not going to happen.  I wanted to get it done in time to get people’s feedback on it but now it seems like that’s not happening. If quarantine wasn’t happening, I would’ve met my deadline. 

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