My theme for this week is occupation, finances and how they relate to one’s wellness. The first source that I read about the dimensions of wellness included subjects such as spirituality and social interaction but did not include the topics of finances or occupation. However, I believe in an extended list of wellness dimensions these subjects are significant. At the beginning of this week what I chose to focus on is how passion within one’s work contributes to success, fulfillment and happiness. The phrase “follow your passion” is often repeated to young people considering various careers so I decided to research the idea to understand what experts had to say and how one should really be choosing their career. While many articles highlighted the happiness, freedom and purpose one can feel when following a passion, an overwhelming amount of articles questioned the reliability, and potential within the phrase. Many claimed that simply telling someone to follow their passion does not provide them with guidance or an understanding of the difficulties they will face when beginning a career. Further, many stated that those who tend to follow their passion often follow subjects that are fun for them but because they are not skilled in the area, these people end up giving up and following a new passion, creating an unfulfilling cycle. I enjoyed reading these articles and am excited to learn more, as I begin my search for a career that I can become passionate about. I also consider those who do not have a choice of whether or not to pursue a passion, but instead are restricted to certain professions because of culture, money or another factor.
I hope to further explore the impact of wellness in the relationship between a person and their community. As I believe this is the one component of my essential question I have not explored as deeply.
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