I was able to finish chapter 4, and now I am onto chapter 5. For this chapter, I decided to take a different perspective. In chapter 5, the reader will follow the “villains” of the story. The reason I am saying “villains” is because they aren’t evil, but they are against the main characters. I wanted to try to take a different viewpoint and also keep myself entertained when I am writing. So far, the writing has been going great, I will probably have 7 chapters done by the end of the senior project. It may not sound like much, but it is the longest I have ever stayed committed to a piece of writing.
There is something I would like to discuss in this reflection: my writing process. Throughout my research, I have seen two strategies: the outliner, and the improviser (I’ll explain more in my presentation). I am somewhat situated in the middle. I like having a plan, but I also like improvising as well. I think my project is coming to an end. However, my writing has just begun.