My essential question is, How can I learn to tell a story that is successful and authentic through the median of film and photography? So far in answering my essential question, I’ve realized how much goes into film making. I always knew films were tons of planning, editing, writing, including multiple expenses. Although I had anticipated this, what I did not consider is that this is done with a crew or many members that cover specific tasks. Since I am doing all writing, production, and editing by myself, as well as financing and using my own equipment, it has been slow work. It’s revealed how ambitious this project is but also how excited I am. I know it is feasible and now I understand the true workload that it will present. I think by building a more structured schedule for myself I will be able to devote my type to one aspect of the making this documentary. For example, time devoted to just observing documentaries, research into interviewing techniques, and especially storage management. Fortunately, I was able to act fast and get a backup hard drive from my uncle and optimize as much storage as I can. I ordered a lens adapter so that I would be able to utilize other lenses I had on my main shooter the A7iii.
Right now I am still learning how to organize tall the footage I currently have but most importantly I am still discovering new things I want to discuss in my film. I am inspired by what I hear in Youtube videos, Tv and conversations I have with other people. I am going to continue to diversify my knowledge and the experiences of others going through this hard time to allow my film to feel cohesive.
This film has made me questioned how much a documentarian knows what they are going to shoot and talk about before they began their research. I think this form of film is unique as it is constantly changing and things recur that are unpredictable. It’s what makes filming a documentary fun and exciting but as well as stressful and chaotic. I am excited to see where this documentary will take me and the influence I hope it will have on others.