I’ve spent a lot of time these past few weeks willing the pandemic to slowly ebb. I’m not suffering as much as others, but most of the time is spent thinking about what I could do after this is all over. Most of the things I conjure are just pieces of normal activities. Going out, seeing people. I realized however that, for having an essential question that dealt entirely with the future in terms of decades, I was thinking relatively short term. My essential question aims to get me looking past that 1 year mark. Where are we headed, how do we get there, what is already being done. I guess I realized that with my essential question, I’m trying to picture what comes next on a much bigger level. How do we adapt, how do we mitigate, those questions can be applied to both covid-19 and climate change.
In regards to the question about grit, and when we demonstrate/use it: in this situation, it is present for most of us in the very fact that we are trying to go about doing our projects. To the best of our abilities, we’re focusing on what’s to come for the sake of what we care about. I think that’s the definition of grit, isn’t it? Motivation doesn’t come so easily these days. But we keep going with a plan, trying to stay committed, and hoping for the best.
Hello Julia,
Just a reminder that you need to be publishing two blog posts a week as part of your documentation for your senior project.