I’m not gonna lie, I spent most of the rest of the week trying to catch up to a schedule I had set for myself. I hadn’t factored in the length of the chapter, and it got me a little bit caught up. But I’m back where I need to be for my textbook work, and I’m confident in my ability to finish the next design. This week was mostly focused on mechanisms, a couple of basic things I need to know. The stuff I read was probably something I should have learned a while ago, but never really delved into. It felt good to be covering the things I was worried about not knowing. I still feel as if I’m missing pieces, but at least I have the beginnings of something. I’m also learning how to pick out information needed. I have a thing with getting caught up in the details of words, and I’ve realized that as I go along I’m getting better at sifting all the extra parts out. I figure that will be useful for any future endeavors. So I guess this project is helping me with more than just information. I realize that was the whole point, but it’s weird to see it happening. I’m glad it is, though.