Anna Mueller – Blog Post 4: First Letter

A main component of Hanna and I’s project is a back-and-forth between our two characters through letters. This ended up being a bit more difficult in execution because, in order for one of us to write a letter, we have to have read the other’s previous letter. In other words, when Hanna opened up the letter writing, I had to wait for her to send me her letter before I could begin writing mine as a response. Also, we had to take into account that we are attempting to tell a story in ways that are not particularly convenient in conveying information. What I mean by this is that to write a realistic letter from a fictional character, we can’t put in lines and descriptions that just aren’t natural. We want our letters to read as if they have been written by our characters, so we have to experiment with how we integrate information in our letters and journal entries. It’s especially hard right now as we’re introducing the characters and their backstories. The first set of letters seemed to go well, so hopefully, we will quickly develop a good rhythm for the letter communication

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