Twice a week my company does something called “Class of 300” Class of 300 is an opportunity for the interns of the company to have as long as hour long meetings with high level executives in the company so we can learn about their path to get to where they are and so we can ask them questions. This is an unbelievable resource because it allows me to ask some of the biggest names in A&R and marketing questions that will help me with my future endeavors in this industry. Last week on Wednesday we got to have “class” with Kevin Liles, the company’s CEO. He was very inspirational and gave us his story, dropping out of college in his final year while on a NASA scholarship for engineering to take an internship at Def-Jam, and then later becoming its president. He went on to speak about how he sees the future of the company shifting more towards overall content creation rather than just music, and is going to announce “300 Studios” soon which is geared towards TV and Movies. I had the opportunity to ask him for advice on what to do during my four years at college to set myself up best for a career in the entertainment industry post-graduation. He told me to take the education aspect to college seriously, but also to make sure I found a crew of like-minded people I could discuss ideas with on a regular basis. He also said that whichever specific industry I was in I should be that guy that knows everything about it. For example, if I wanted to be in the music business he said that I should be that kid during college that finds a way backstage at every show that comes into town. And if I do that, I’ll start building a valuable network of people.
Some other things I would respond to:
What types of projects have I been getting?
What did I do for Kevin Liles HW assignment?
Talk about the Gunna marketing project.