My First Week & My Idea – Jonathan Ziebarth

Quick Side Note – As my original plan for documentation has changed, I hope I still fulfill the required structure. 

Over the course of this week I spend a long  time thinking about what exactly I wanted to get out of my idea, The “Why am I doing thins in the first place?” and I landed on this mission statement.

Ziebarth.Inc is a 21st Century Green Energy & Technology startup with the mission of reorganizing the world to mitigate the effects of climate change, and protect the Earth for generations to come. “

After a couple rounds of trial and error I found this statement to really embody my idea, which is simply to utilize Direct Air Capture technology,  and implemented into Ziebarth’s Genesis System. The Genesis System is based on a report published in The IScience Journal, in 2018 ( The hybrid system will allow Ziebarth to efficiently use captured CO2 and convert it to pure Hydrogen through a hybrid Na-CO2 system, based on CO2 dissolution.  

This process will allow Ziebarth to be to create multiple automated, carbon negative, and self-sufficient refueling stations for cars, long haul transport, marine, & air travel. While also creating carbon negative commercial and residential buildings across the country.   

This way we can in fact “reorganize the world to mitigate the effects of climate change, and protect the Earth for generations to come. “

However, seeing that the hydrogen economy for the world is essentially nonexistent as of now, I see multiple challenges that I will need to over come, especially when it comes to entering the energy sector regardless of what my intentions are. There will always be other companies with more money and resources that could very easily end my company. Moreover, they have the ability to make my plan even more difficult due to the reach these major corporations have in government.

Regardless, I planned for this. Most of the major corporations have invested in the development in either Carbon Capture or Hydrogen fuel production, not an interrogated form of both.  This is where I come in, my innovation has the ability to create hydrogen fuel on site and has the potential to cut operation cost by 20% due our system being self sufficient and automated, essentially eliminating the need for people to operate the station, and the delivery of the hydrogen from not only the energy plant, but from other suppliers. This will allow Ziebarth to create hydrogen fuel at cost that is even more competitive than regular unleaded gasoline. This strategy will allow Ziebarth to not only become a major player in the energy sector of the US economy, but corner the hydrogen market in the United States.

However, doing this could lead to regulatory issues, that is why Ziebarth will be vertically interrogated company dealing with not only energy, but Real Estate & and the Automotive Industry.

This will allow Ziebarth to not only avoid regulatory issues, but expand the use of the hydrogen the company provides and capture the value we as an organization create.


More tomorrow,



Intro –


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